A male stripper at an Evangelical conference gets the religion hot and bothered

The strange story of Alex Magala and the Stronger Men’s Conference

Jonathan Poletti
I blog God.


The world is getting so dark that all that makes me laugh anymore is religion. I’m studying a “scandal.” A male stripper played a conference for Evangelical men!

It seems that a megachurch in Springfield, Missouri, staged an Evangelical event called the ‘Stronger Men’s Conference’—billed as “helping men to become all that God has created them to be.”

And that meant Alex Magala.

The story on social media was shocking!

A male stripper had done his act at church? How was that possible?

A brave pastor, Mark Driscoll, arose to denounce it and was silenced! That was the framing—which racked up millions of views within hours.

On examination, is that what’s…

