Christianity learns its history of ‘gay marriage’

A religion has kept secrets

Jonathan Poletti
I blog God.


I’m old enough to remember when Christianity insisted the Apocalypse would happen if gay marriage got legalized.

What did happen is the religion itself started to be revealed. In the last decade, there’s been a lot of scholarly work on the hidden history of Christian same-sex marriage.

Sarcofaag van de twee broers, Rome, Italië

Christian sarcophagi prove so interesting?

They were buried in catacombs for over a millennia, and got dug up, and put in museums. They’re fascinating works of art, often decorated with biblical scenes—portraits of how Christianity “saw” its stories.

And they were decorated with portraits of the people buried in them, typically married couples. I’m catching a lecture by Ally Kateusz, a specialist in early Christian art, which has the unexpected title: “Same-Sex Marriage in Early Christian Sarcophagi.”

Notice how the male-female couples get presented.

Then there’s one with a twist…

