Was Cormac McCarthy a pedophile?

A year after a famous novelist died, a girlfriend speaks out

Jonathan Poletti
I blog God.


In 2023, Cormac McCarthy was dying, at age 89. His writing was done. He was wealthy, famous, and considered one of the greatest novelists of all time.

His works, from Blood Meridian to All the Pretty Horses and The Road, would surely be read for all time. Two biographies about him were in the works.

He seems to have been confident that a secret of his life would die with him: he liked underage teenage girls.

Cormac McCarthy in 2022

One of them, Augusta Britt, was age sixteen when they met.

Now at age 64, she called him up months before he died. She recalled that he was sad, and that he kept saying a line by Jesus:

“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”

She told him that she’d been reading a post at Substack by one of his fans, and left a comment. She read it to him over the phone. It was his story.

“He gained fame, wealth, and fancy superficial friends… He lost much of his compassion and kindness… he struggled to write…



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