Evangelicals are in favor of slavery

John MacArthur preaches his religion’s white supremacy

Jonathan Poletti
I blog God.


Slavery is bad…right? It might seem any Christian would agree. But in a sermon given by John MacArthur back in 2001, noticed only recently, he takes a different view.

It started when Sharon Autenrieth, an assistant Methodist pastor and “social justice warrior” in Illinois, found herself reading a MacArthur sermon, and noticed he was defending slavery.

John MacArthur (2008)

John MacArthur is no stranger to offensive remarks.

It’s kind of why he’s the leader of the Evangelical world. But to say Africans are “servile” by nature, and “doomed to perpetual slavery”—was next level.

In the 2001 sermon, “History in the New World,” he claims the Bible lays out a racial hierarchy via the sons of Noah. Africans descend from Ham, Noah’s son, whose son Canaan was cursed—so slavery is okay.

If all that seems a whirlwind of crazy, it’s very familiar within the religion. It’s the old “curse of Ham” interpretation—the one that undergirded slavery in the American South.

