I Blog God

When you need facts—go get ’em

Jonathan Poletti
I blog God.


I checked my phone that day to see that my parents had found a blog I’d been writing for my private thoughts. They wanted to tell me I was going to Hell.

“Oh dear,” I said to myself. “Another family reunion.”

They didn’t want any further association with me, and I decided I didn’t want their religion. It was a lot for one day: losing parents who judged you, and the religion that told them they could.

I’d gone to church and knew all the lines.

I knew what everyone else knew, though I was missing the part they seemed to like the most—that knowing something about the Bible was a license to attack the whole world.

And Christianity was little more than a constant mental assault on the whole world by these people sitting in church.

But I had a new task before me: to tell my own story?

A quote came to my mind. It was by Jorge Luis Borges.

“A writer, or any man, must believe that whatever happens to him is an instrument; everything has been given for an end.”

