Joshua Harris finally tells the truth about the ‘Purity Culture’

The one-time Evangelical leader spills the beans

Jonathan Poletti
I blog God.


Back in 1997 he wrote an era-defining book, telling Evangelical kids that dating is evil. A generation blamed him for ruining their lives.

The saga of Joshua Harris haunts Evangelical culture. In 2018, he ‘unpublished’ his books, including I Kissed Dating Goodbye, and apologized for it. The next year, he got a divorce from his wife—and Christianity.

Now he’s doing a blitz of interviews, and dropping details — like that I Kissed Dating Goodbye was largely contrived.

Joshua Harris c.2018 with “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” (1997)

Joahua Harris’ story never exactly made sense.

The book tells the story of what appears to be a regular high school kid who falls prey to the ways of the world. He moves from girl to girl — alarmed at feeling hardened to the rising carnality.

The problem was, he had been homeschooled all his life.

This was a very public fact. With his father, he’d been a homeschool activist.

The big Evangelical movement of the 1980 and 1990s was to homeschool children.

