Joshua Harris’s wife finds her voice

Is she the new pastor in the family?

Jonathan Poletti
I blog God.


He was the newsworthy one — the longtime star of Evangelical Christianity, a spokesman of the “purity culture,” and a megachurch pastor.

Then Joshua Harris, the bestselling author of I Kissed Dating Goodbye, became as famous for the child-abuse scandal, then for his divorce, and for leaving Christianity via Instagram. But his wife, I’d noticed, a singer. She’d released an album in 2018. It told the story of the divorce.

“Try and understand but could you let me go
It’s just that I need something a little more free”

Shannon Bonne (Bandcamp)

Josh was always the one telling their story.

Evangelicals followed it along, book by book, speech by speech. They’d met her in 1997, shortly before I Kissed Dating Goodbye was published.

They began ‘courting’. They seemed the very image of the ideas he had advanced — that dating was bad, that God will lead you to your spouse.

He writes in Boy Meets Girl: Say Hello to Courtship:

“I caught my first glimpse of her on the Sunday she got up in church and shared the story of how she’d become a Christian. Two and a half

