Scholars found another version of Genesis

Christians aren’t told about the “other” first book of the Bible

Jonathan Poletti
I blog God.


In 1949, a scroll found in a cave outside Bethlehem was announced to the public. Other scrolls in the ‘Dead Sea Scrolls’ could be read, but this one was fused shut.

A few words, in Aramaic, were visible. They were names from the book of Genesis. As a ‘new’ text, the scroll was called “the most important Bible discovery of modern times” — though nobody knew what it was.

Genesis Apocryphon c.1956 (public domain; colorized)

In 1956, the scroll was unrolled.

It was Genesis, or like Genesis. Called the ‘Genesis Apocryphon’, the text of the scroll was revealed to be a series of first-person monologues.

Biblical figures like Lamech, Noah, and Abraham spoke their stories — voices from the beginning of the world.

Genesis Apocryphon c.1956 (public domain; colorized)

The parchment was dated to the late 1st century BCE.

Page numbers suggested that what survived was the final part of a long scroll. The…

