The #1 Christian writer was a woman never seen publicly

Sarah Young, author of “Jesus Calling,” was a mystery

Jonathan Poletti
I blog God.


Sarah Young wrote the most bestselling Christian book in history, but was rarely seen publicly. If asked for an interview, she might send a quick email.

In 2012, Publisher’s Weekly got through to her — “by e-mail, through her publicist,” the report notes. All she’d say is that she had Lyme disease and other problems, so no, she can’t talk on the phone.

“I’m very thankful I am still able to write,” she writes.

Sarah Young on the Jesus Calling magazine, Fall 2021

In 2013 she agreed to a fuller interview with Christianity Today magazine.

But then, as they report, she “declined to participate due to additional health setbacks.” She did agree to email—through her publisher. All she gave them was an update on her health, and a reply to a single question: Does she really communicate with Jesus?

She said that her writing is “listening and then writing what I feel he is placing on my heart…”

The same year, the New York Times gave it a shot. As that report went:

“Hobbled by Lyme disease and other

