Vladimir Putin is a Christian, naturally

A look at a dictator’s “faith”

Jonathan Poletti
I blog God.


Religion, of course, is just politics by another name. And both are mostly men behaving badly. Consider that great Christian, Vladimir Putin.

The dictator is Russian Orthodox, as his church adores him. I went to look up Putin’s use of Christianity, leading up to the invasion of Ukraine, while I wonder—how did the teachings of Jesus end up here?

Patriarch Kirill and Vladimir Putin in 2018 (source: The Moscow Times)

Putin was born in 1952, while Stalin lived.

The Soviet Union was militantly atheist, following Karl Marx’s idea: “Religion is the opium of the people.” But the atheist government collapsed in 1991, and religion returned, because it works too damn good.

Putin later claimed his mother, Maria, was a Russian Othodox Christian. In “secret,” he says, she took him as an infant to a cathedral in Leningrad, and had him baptized. A helpful story when he came to prominence in a Russia that was lurching back toward Russian Orthodoxy.

He says he converted in 1993. In a biography, Fiona Hill and Clifford G. Gaddy add: “Embracing the Orthodox Church became very popular in KGB circles in the 1990s.”

