Edition 0: Welcome to Below the Fold

Anum Hussain
Below the Fold
Published in
3 min readDec 17, 2019

(This newsletter was sent to email subscribers on November 29, 2019.)

Welcome to Below the Fold, muggles. We’re flipping past the major headlines — the ones everyone else has covered — to highlight important stories we easily miss.

Instacart tries to “squeeze” more work out of their shoppers for less pay

Mon Nov 18

Earlier this month, Instacart shoppers went on strike — and it wasn’t the first time. While the latest strike focused on convincing corporate to change the app’s default tip from 5% to 10%, past offenses included encouraging longer hours and penalties for rejecting low pay jobs.

On top of that, after the strike, Instacart eliminated a $3 bonus given to workers who receive 5-star ratings from customers. The company says it has nothing to do with the strike, but workers aren’t convinced.

VA puts millions at risk of identity theft

Thurs Nov 21

An audit found that the Veterans Affairs Department shared records with unredacted social security numbers while responding to requests for veterans’ benefits records. This oversight put millions of military personnel and doctors at risk of identity theft, and worse still, those individuals had no idea. Oops.

A woman’s texts become key evidence in her boyfriend’s suicide

Fri Nov 22

In Boston, prosecutors charged a 21-year-old woman with involuntary manslaughter for her boyfriend’s suicide. The evidence, according to prosecutors? Tens of thousands of text messages that they say show a toxic and abusive relationship.

“do everyone a favor and go f — -ing kill yourself, you’re such a f — -ing stupid a — worthless s — t.”


In her defense, a public relations firm released texts showing a frantic effort to stop her boyfriend, as she tracked him down to the roof of a parking garage.

“IM BEGGING YOU. PLEASE IM ALMOST THERE PLEASE. where are u please please please.”

The prosecution is using the girlfriend’s abusive language to paint her as a callous and unforgivable, but her defense argues that she is also the victim of “a relationship that became a toxic blend of fear, anger, need, and love.” The trial is set for November 2020.


What are the Hong Kong protests all about?

Keep hearing about the Hong Kong protests but still don’t know what’s actually going on? Same. Our latest post on the Acciyo blog dives into what’s been going on the past six months.


Here’s a quick glimpse of what to expect in the headlines next week.

That’s all for this week. Have a magical weekend. ✨

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Anum Hussain
Below the Fold

Co-Founder, Acciyo. MIT Sloan graduate. Formerly Snapchat, HubSpot. 2015's 25 Under 25 Boston. Co-author, Twitter for Dummies.