Our words bless. Or our words curse. Life or death. Something to keep in mind as you start scrolling and commenting.

More Than Pretty Words

Brian Kelly
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2020


Moses said we could speak life or death, blessings or curses. This power, he explained, is not difficult or elusive, but “very near to you… in your heart and in your mouth.”

This is about more than speaking positive words. It’s about what we are actually creating with those words.

We’ve all experienced that sunken feeling after watching or scrolling the evening news. That feeling is a mild despondency in response to words of death. We have been cursed by a news feed that’s obsessed with violence, crime and division.

Strong words. But I believe it’s required to cut through the din and lip service being given to the pandemic and racial justice.

What have you been reading and posting online?

I came across a collaboration between Chef Andre, Dave Stewart and Salesforce that demonstrates how individuals as well as businesses can create life in what feels like a time that’s cursed. Chef Andre speaks of how we can love each other during the quarantine and in an uncertain world which will surely follow. Out of the mouth of another person, those would just be pretty words — hollow confections to polish one’s digital brand and are quickly displaced by more viscous content. But Andre has done the hard work of love which, in the inimitable words of Bob Goff, does.

Love does.

For words to realize their full creative impact, they need to swing into action.

The Salesforce venture is notable because it’s more than an opportunistic marketing ploy. It’s backed by action. That’s what leadership looks like.

And thought leadership without action is just thought.

Like everyone else, I’m trying to cut through the crap and do something meaningful. Our company is looking for clients who feel the same way. Feel free to say hello… brian@bemeaningful.co



Brian Kelly

I help brands find meaning in a world that’s looking for it.