The ocean never remembers

Terrence Kelleman


With every walk at the beach the ocean is never the same, each day the shore is sculpted anew with rising waves and ebbing tides.

The sky is strewn with luminous hues of blue & gold or sometimes blanketed in tones of gray with muted accents of mist and cloud.

There is a great mysterious power in the ocean, it washes away the day and places you squarely in the present; Only now, only this, only here.

Every wave has its own unique character yet is indistinguishable in our memory. We can’t even hold on to one memory of one wave alone from the others.

The ocean incessantly washes away our memory as we walk in patterns made by our toes between its undulating rhythms disappearing and resolving into nothing as always, and forever.

Wiping away all time as irrelevant and focusing our mind on our own transience celebrating this moment of now before it’s gone.

In this ritual of bidding farewell to the day, no one moment is the same as the last. Our memory grasps at the sands that time lets slip away, only to be lost to the majestic darkness of the deep ocean sky.

Help me forget dear ocean, wash over me, erase me and renew me as always, and forever.



Terrence Kelleman

Inventor, Artist and Founder of Mighty Wallet —3x Inc Fastest Growing, 2x Shark Tank Dropout, YouTube Case Study and Artist behind BE MIGHTY Street Art Project.