Satabdi Mohanty
Published in
9 min readAug 19, 2020

Human intelligence is that intellectual capability of humans, that is marked by advanced psychological feature feats and high levels of motivation and knowingness. Human intelligence, the mental quality that consists of the power to find out from expertise, adapt to new things, perceive and handle abstract ideas, and use the information to control one’s atmosphere. The multiple intelligence theory states that individuals possess eight varieties of intelligence: linguistic, logical, spatial, musical, motor ability, social, intrapersonal, and realistic intelligence.

8 types of Intelligence

Intelligence is something that gives the ability to suppose, to find out from expertise, to resolve issues, and to adapt to new things. The I.Q. could be alive of intelligence that’s adjusted for age. The Wechsler Adult intelligence Scale (WAIS) is that the most generally used for mental testing the adults. Broadening this notion of intelligence, the concept of multiple intelligences was introduced in 1983 by Howard Gardner an American developmental psychologist. Gardner proposed that there are eight types of intelligence, each one being independent of the other which includes:

  1. Logical/Mathematical Intelligence: Includes the ability to reason and think logically.Logical/mathematical intelligence generally refers to our ability to assume logically, reason, and establish connections. Folks with mathematical intelligence, like Einstein, are smart at operating with numbers, complicated and abstract concepts, and scientific investigations. Logical-mathematical learning style refers to your ability to reason, solve issues, and learn using numbers, abstract visual data, and analysis of cause and impact relationships. Logical-mathematical learners are usually organized and assume in logical or linear order. Logical-mathematical intelligence permits the North American nation to examine relationships between things that aren’t letters of the alphabet -such as shapes and symbols- so as to unravel issues that are thought of as scientific. It’s additionally a very important a part of drawback resolution and significant thinking. Blaise Pascal, Bill Gates, and Sir mathematician are some well-known folks that have high logical/mathematical intelligence. In alternative words, they’re trained at deduction, detective work patterns, abstract thought, etc.
Famous people with high logical intelligence

2. Linguistic Intelligence: Linguistic intelligence, one in all Howard Gardner’s eight multiple intelligences, involves the flexibility to grasp and use spoken and written communication. This could embody expressing yourself effectively through speech or the word furthermore as showing a facility for learning foreign tongues. Writers, poets, lawyers, and speakers area unit among people who Gardner sees as having high linguistic intelligence.

Famous people with high linguistic intelligence

3. Musical Intelligence: Musical intelligence is the capability to tell apart pitch, rhythm, timbre, and tone. This intelligence allows us to acknowledge, create, reproduce, and replicate on music, as incontestible by composers, conductors, musicians, vocalists, and sensitive listeners. Beethoven, Cher, and Stevie marvel are people thought-about to possess high musical intelligence.

Musical Intelligence

4. Spatial Intelligence: Spatial intelligence is the ability to understand three-dimensional pictures and shapes. This can be a primary operation of the correct facet of the brain and is employed once determination puzzles, determining maps, and participating in any style of construction or engineering project.

Famous people with high spatial intelligence

5. Bodily-Kinesthetic: Bodily-kinesthetic may be a learning vogue typically brought up as ‘learning with the hands’ or physical learning. Basically, individuals with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence will learn a lot simply by doing, exploring, and discovering.

Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence

6. Naturalist Intelligence: Naturalist intelligence focuses on however individuals relate to their natural surroundings. Naturalists have a special ability to grow plants, vegetables, and fruit. they need an affinity for animals and area unit sensible at coaching and understanding them. Naturalists will simply distinguish patterns in nature.

Famous people with high naturalist intelligence

7.Social Intelligence: Social intelligence is the capability to grasp oneself and to grasp others. Social Intelligence develops from expertise with individuals and learning from success and failures in social settings.

Social Intelligence

8. Intrapersonal Intelligence: Intrapersonal intelligence is the capability to explore one’s inner world and feelings. This kind of intelligence will facilitate someone to target designing and managing their life. youngsters with high intrapersonal intelligence potential have a plan of what they require to come to attain and the way they’ll achieve it.

Intrapersonal Intelligence


1. Memory activities
Memory activities will facilitate to enhance not solely memory, however additionally reasoning and language skills. In fact, memory games are utilized in analysis studiesTrusted supply to explore however memory relates to language and object data.

Reasoning and language are used as intelligence measures, which means that memory activities will still develop intelligence.

Activities that involve memory coaching include:

Jigsaw puzzles
Crossword puzzles
Concentration cards, or card matching

Solving Sudoku

2.Management activities
Executive management is the ability to manage advanced psychological feature activities. It’s a district of government functionTrusted supply, that additionally includes government management and regulation. Analysis suggests that government performance is powerfully tied to fluid reasoning, one side of human intelligence.

Activities that involve management coaching include:

Red light, inexperienced lightweight

3. Visuospatial reasoning activities
Visuospatial reasoning involves the mental processes associated with physical representations.

In one study, researchers found that up visuospatial reasoning crystal rectifier to a rise in psychometric test scores. therein study, memory, and government management activities were utilized in half to assist improve participants’ visuospatial reasoning.

Activities that involve visual and spacial coaching include:

point-of-view activities
3-D models
unfolded prisms
Online intelligence quotient games and tests

3D Model Games

Many of the games and activities listed on top of are contend on-line also. There also are on-line intelligence quotient games that contain activities that employment several of the areas of the brain mentioned on top of.

While these intelligence quotient games and tests can’t accurately live someone’s intelligence quotient, they’ll still be a good thanks to developing your intelligence.

4. Relative skills
Relational Frame Theory relates to the event of human psychological features and language through relative associations. analysis from 2011 has shown that using relative Frame Theory as an intervention will considerably improve intelligence quotient scores in kids.

A more modern study using this intervention additionally found enhancements in intelligence quotient, verbal reasoning, and numeric reasoning.

Activities that involve relative coaching include:

language learning books (“this is a…” and “that is a…”)
object comparisons (full cup versus empty cup)
amount comparisons (penny versus dime)

5. Musical instruments
You don’t need to become a succeeding illustrious musician to learn from learning a device. One study found that musicians have higher remembering than non-musicians.

Given the vital role memory plays in intelligence, it should profit your intelligence quotient to finally devour that device you’ve forever wished to find out.

6. New languages
Would you be shocked to understand that over half a trusted supply of the world’s population is bilingual? It ought to come back as no surprise that learning multiple languages is useful to the human brain — and also the earlier, the better.

A recent study trusted supply investigated the link between early acquisition and intelligence quotient. The results indicated that acquisition through speak and interaction from eighteen to twenty-four months was most useful for psychological feature outcomes later in life.

Learning Language

7. Frequent Reading
There’s no denying however useful books area unit in human psychological feature development. In fact, the advantages of the development area unit even additional pronounced once books become a part of parental bonding activities.

In one recent study trusted supply, researchers discovered that once oldsters browse aloud to their kids, the kid had larger language and psychological feature development skills.

Frequent Reading

8. Continuing education
Education, in any kind, is crucial to the event of human intelligence.

In a review of the study’s trusted supply on intelligence quotient and education, over 600,000 participants were studied to work out the result of education on intelligence quotient levels. The researchers found that for each further year of formal education, participants old a lift of 1 to 5 intelligence quotient points.


Researchers within the field of human intelligence have encountered a substantial quantity of public concern and criticism — rather more than several scientists would be familiar with or snug with. a number of the polemical topics include:

The connexion of psychology intelligence to the common sense understanding of the subject.
The importance of intelligence in the standard of living.
The genetic and environmental contributions to individual variation in intelligence.
Differences in average measured intelligence between totally different teams and also the supply and that means of those variations.
Stephen Gould has been the superior well-liked critic of claims regarding intelligence. In his book The Mismeasure of Man, Gould created the subsequent claims regarding intelligence:

Intelligence isn’t measurable.
Intelligence isn’t innate.
Intelligence isn’t ancestral.
Intelligence can not be captured in a very single range.
Some of Gould’s criticisms were aimed specifically at Arthur author, alleged that Gould created many misrepresentations of his work

Stereos regarding Intelligence


The study of intelligence is vital as a result of findings will provide a higher understanding of human power, psychological development, and feeling. The existence of intelligence has been attributed to each nature and nurture, however, the reality behind it’s going to be one thing of a combination of each. There are so youngsters born with a definite genius concerning them that enables them to finish faculty courses at the age of fifteen. There also are those born who fail domain for the first a part of their lives, however, find yourself turning their lives around to return out on high of their individual faculties. Was it a scarcity of intelligence that led to the first tutorial failure, a growth in intelligence that led to later success, or was that intelligence forever there however simply not recognized? Do intelligence tests live a, therefore, referred to as g-factor, or is intelligence just relevant to the society the person resides in?

Human Intelligence

Intelligence is one in each of the attributes that separate persons from animals. By spoken language “a human is additional intelligent than associate degree ape,” most of the people would take that on mean humans area unit ready to rationalize, reason, create, conceptualize, associate degreed discuss in an exceedingly manner that an ape is unable to try and do. Intelligence is also bestowed as a marker of competition and privilege.

The idea of intelligence has been one in every of the foremost contentious in science, with dissipation spanning the time period of the analysis space. the foremost polemical claims have come back from bound scientists that intelligence varies between races, giving some races the proper to manipulate over others. However, not solely have their knowledge been seriously questioned, the premise that inheritance is hereditary challenged, however, the total notion of a singular, quantitative attribute referred to as “intelligence” has become the topic of discussion.

Regardless of the manner within which intelligence is outlined or measured, persons clearly have nice intellectual skills, to think, reason, and perceive the globe within which we tend to live, the manner people assume and act, and to know ourselves. As we tend to advance in our development as people and conjointly as a species, recognizing and appreciating the range that’s contained among this idea could also be additional valuable than making an attempt to establish a way to quantify it.

Researchers generally agree that intelligence involves the ability to learn and adapt to a changing environment. They also agree that many intellectual abilities tend to be positively correlated, although they disagree as to just how wide-ranging these abilities are. Beyond that, the consensus seems to diminish


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Satabdi Mohanty
Writer for

An undergraduate and a budding content writer. Love to explore something new everyday and every where.