Satabdi Mohanty
Published in
8 min readAug 19, 2020

When kids get to a definite age (around 2 or 3 years old) they begin demanding to recognize ‘why?’ regarding what feels like each very little issue. “Why is that the sky blue, Mommy?”, “Why do I actually have to eat my vegetables, Mommy?”, “Why February has 28 days, Mommy?”, “What the fire is actually made up of, Mommy?” etc etc and etc.

Parents dealing with Kid’s tough question.

Around this point the child’s psychological feature talents are chop-chop developing, they are starting to however find out how to learn the way or to form mental connections between cause and impact and are desirous to decide everything regarding how the planet works — resulting in a usually exasperating range of queries for tired their parents.

However, because the kid gets older, this level of constant questioning begins to subside until eventually, the “whys” stop altogether. A study cited in a writing for Newsweek found that on average pre-school youngsters raise their folks around one hundred queries per day, whereas schoolchildren relatively asked only a few queries. However, to travel back to my former inquisitive bambino self, why is this?

This article can define why youngsters stop needing to recognize why and provides recommendations on however you’ll light that spark of curiosity in your students.

Keep Questioning!


According to the creator of the Ted Conference, Rickard Saul Wurman, in school, youngsters are rewarded for having the proper answer, not for asking an honest question.

With the stress on committal to memory and testing, youngsters quickly learn that so as to achieve education, swerving off on a tangent regarding any given subject isn’t value their time or energy and will find yourself losing them marks. They understand that the examiners and lecturers are searching for them to regurgitate the ‘right’ types of responses and can thus keep on with the prescribed program.

Also, larger stress in faculties is usually placed onto subjects like Maths and Science wherever, granted there’s loads of scope to boost attention-grabbing queries, however thanks to the restricted time for exploring theories in school, there may be very little uncertainty within the approach these subjects are schooled.
In several ancient classrooms, students merely aren’t inspired to raise queries in school. They will pay the whole session being attentive to the teacher lecture while not ever very engaging–or, if they’re confused, they will not even apprehend wherever to start with the queries they need to raise. Abundant of the question-asking method depends, not on the scholars themselves, however on their teachers–and knowing, however, as an educator, to facilitate nice question-asking will facilitate produce a simpler classroom.

Students lagging to ask questions

The First Tool: The Teacher’s perspective
In each classroom, the teacher is the one who sets the stage for the whole classroom. An educator who is happy to be there and desirous to move together with her students is far more possible to make a positive learning response in students than an educator who is clearly bored and fair in each subject at hand and also the students within the schoolroom.

This is even more true once it involves encouraging students to raise questions! an educator is a patient, who accepts queries with real interest, and who focuses on being positive that students genuinely perceive the fabric before moving on can encourage queries from students within the future. an educator who is abrupt, huffy, and easily directs the scholar to the book for the solution, on the opposite hand, possibly won’t receive several queries within the future.

Determining Student Understanding: Cues Matter
Many academics assume that if their students aren’t asking queries, they need to perceive the concept. Sadly, only too several students are conditioned to not raise queries by academics who are indifferent at the best regarding their queries (and who, at worst, solely need to deliver instruction, with no reference to whether or not or not students are literally learning). Within the schoolroom, there are many cues academics will hunt for to work out whether or not or not students really perceive the concept.

Are students engaged with the content? If you’re having a schoolroom discussion, are students participating? Usually, students, who don’t have a decent grasp of the concept can disengage from the discussion or seem fair.

Non-Interactivity among Students

How well are students asking queries or participating in discussions together? Proctoring lesson discussions are essential for academics who need to examine student learning. By listening to what your students are discussing and the way they’re discussing it, you’ll get a far higher plan of however well they’ve absorbed the concept.

What will the work look like? You shouldn’t get to provide a quiz to examine for student understanding. Instead, check into the work students have done on the lesson for the day. Do they seem to grasp, or are they missing important concepts?

Have you asked your students? Typically, all it takes maybe a very little prompting to work out whether or not students have a decent grasp of the concept. A fast arrival can permit students to self-evaluate and confirm their grasp of the concept.


Here’s why asking questions is important. It helps you uncover the challenges you are facing and generate higher solutions to resolve those issues. If you are asking a matter, you are not speeding in to produce the solution, offer the answer, or strive against the challenge.

Effective questioning could be a key tool in Assessment for Learning ways and maybe planned such a variety of responses area unit anticipated. Smart questioning needs time for pupils to assume and respond, and therefore a lot of learners area unit actively engaged in learning, the less scope there’s to modify off.

Power of asking Questions.


Effective questioning involves using queries within the room to open conversations, inspire deeper intellectual thought, and promote student-to-student interaction. Effective queries concentrate on eliciting the method, i.e. the ‘how’ and ‘why,’ in an exceedingly student’s response, as opposition answers that simply detail ‘what.’ using them within the room creates opportunities for college students to analyze their own thinking, that of their peers, and their work.


1. Plan to use questions that encourage thinking and reasoning: Really effective questions are planned beforehand. It is helpful to plan sequences of questions that build on and extend students’ thinking. A good questioner, of course, remains flexible and allows time to follow up responses.

2. Ask questions in ways that include everyone: Using no hand-raising rules, asking questions that encourage students’ range of responses, Encouraging the entire classroom to participate. These are some of the basic practices involved making students more curious to question.

An Active Full Class Interaction

3. Give students time to think: Alternative and diverse responses, response with greater confidence, offering unconsolidated but most appropriate response make students question effectively.

4. Avoid judging students’ responses: It found that if a teacher made judgmental comments, even positive ones such as “Well done!”, then this negatively affected students’ verbal performance even with the lengthened wait times. Task persistence was greatest where verbal rewards were fewer.

5. Follow up students’ responses in ways that encourage deeper thinking: These are some of the most effective 5 principles that encourage students to question more.

Benefits of Effective Questioning

Using effective questioning in your classroom brings a host of benefits, as it:

  • Encourages students to engage with their work and each other.
  • Helps students to think out loud.
  • Facilitates learning through active discussion.
  • Empowers students to feel confident about their ideas.
  • Improves speaking and listening skills.
  • Builds critical thinking skills.
  • Teaches respect for other people’s opinions.
  • Helps students to clarify their understanding.
  • Motivates students and develops an interest in a topic.
  • Allows teachers to check students’ understanding.

Why Questioning is more effective than Answers

1. Questioning Reveals Interest
We raise queries once one thing aforementioned catches our attention, surprises the U.S., or after we hear one thing we would like additional info concerning. Asking virtually any question may be a clear signal that claims “Hey! I’m being attentive and that I wish to grasp more!”

Asking an excellent question? That’s even additional revealing.

2. Questioning Reveal Gaps in and Strength of Understanding
As lecturers, we all know that not everything we are saying is going to be understood the primary time. In fact, it makes our job tons easier after we square measure asked a matter which will clarify a misunderstanding or justify one thing during a higher method.

Teaching students to raise effective queries will reveal what that kid doesn’t perceive, giving us that probability to fill within the gaps and certainly improve understanding for different students too.

Great queries reveal understanding and an overall grasp of significance in ways in which answers cannot.

Questioning improves Understanding

3. Questioning improves Recall
Research shows that once you raise a matter yourself, you’re additional doubtless to recollect the data you receive. It is sensible — you’re doubtless asking concerning one thing that’s fascinating or relevant to you, and by asking the question you become in-person invested within the answer.

Encouraging youngsters to precise their queries will facilitate them to generate info that interests them, which they’re additional doubtless to carry on to when the lesson is over.

4. Questing Keep Learners Engaged
If we tend to square measure receptive children’s queries and leave area for discussion, the lesson will quickly become additional fascinating once it’s radio-controlled by the children’s own queries and that they get tons of advantages of asking queries. A matter will take a lesson during which the teacher is doing the lecture a discussion that’s additional relevant to the scholars, remarking queries that others may need, and creating students in person engaged within the topic or activity. Questions would like students.

5. Questioning Build a Foundation for brand spanking new data
Any subject or topic starts out with broad, foundational info that forms the idea for additional comprehensive or specific data. A basic understanding of however plants grow is crucial to the discussion of however afters plants take issue from those growing in rain forests.

A question posed at the correct time builds that essential data — therewith understanding, the additional advanced, additional fascinating data has roots, and therefore the learning keeps on building.

As educators, it’s up to us to harness young learners’ natural curiosity and be purposeful concerning encouraging queries in our room in order that youngsters reap these edges of asking queries, and create inquiry a habit of mind.


We, at Ootsuk, ignite the sleeping curiosity of children from grade 1 to grade 12 and help them to learn the art of questioning. Universe has all the answers you need but what you need to do is to ask the right questions. And these right questions will get you your dream job. To know more, download the Ootsuk android app — https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ootsuk or Visit the website www.ootsuk.com



Satabdi Mohanty
Writer for

An undergraduate and a budding content writer. Love to explore something new everyday and every where.