Satabdi Mohanty
Published in
9 min readJul 24, 2020

What a tragic reality we’ve got reached today! One screen isn’t solely restricted to the whole subjects on this planet however conjointly its corresponding books, and even lecturers. we could appreciate the dynamical technology and find ourselves familiar with that or we could simply conserve our authentic Gurukul System?
This journal throws light-weight on the rising and reworking learning ways in our day to day lives.



Let’s begin with Gurukul System.
The students of Gurukul are more disciplined and organized. They are taught to follow a well- planned schedule in school. The students are more focused and possess more concentration power than normal students. This is because they are trained through techniques such as meditation which enhances their focusing power.
However, the old learning method was all about recitation, for example, students would sit in silence, while one student after another would take it in turns to recite the lesson until each one had been called upon.
But the best part about the traditional learning method is “DISCIPLINE” and “GRATITUDE TOWARDS TEACHERS.”

In India, the education system has numerous aspects and it’s evolved since precedent days and color. As the Republic of India progressed and got its independence from the British Colonies, the modern education system step by step evolved. Presently within the Indian establishment has four levels pre-primary, primary, secondary, and better secondary.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

This was the theoretical explanation of the evolution of Learning Methods but the practical evolution of learning methods changed the educational perspective of the world.
Traveling from the “forced to attend” corporate training programs, we have now reached the time to learn with flexibility. While revamping, the accelerated learning techniques along with the apt technology bring refreshing aura in the learning segment.
Is this the bandwagon? Oh no, this is the basic nature of the environment — change.

It’s time to buckle up for the new-age corporate learning!

1.INDIVIDUAL TO COLLABORATIVE LEARNING: In collective learning, two or more people learn or attempt to learn something together. Courses serve the best when it involves incorporated problem-based discussions, reflection, and other ways to make the participants an active part of the learning process. Collaboration is no longer considered as a nice add-on; it has become a necessary feature. People are learning, not simply with others, but from the shared experiences and ideas of others.

2.PASSIVE TO ACTIVE LEARNING: The learners scruple to be solely content-receptors, just taking down notes or paying attention to trainers speak for hours without pause. However, Active Learning aka Brain-Based Learning could be a participant cantered learning method that’s contrary to trainer cantered passive learning.

3.COMPULSORY TO CONDUCIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Favourable learning environment should be available not by chance but through well designing and planning. Several interventions like ‘ICE BREAKERS’, interactions, and psychological stimulations may be part of each training program. These interventions not only create a favorable learning environment but also make a participant understand the benefit of the training program. Participants must find a purpose of learning.

Studies have shown that using different types of learning techniques improves an individual’s engagement with the topic, retention of information, and overall satisfaction. Offering a variety of content, delivery methods, and further resources make the learning experience richer and ensure the best possible outcome.
Some of the basic examples are face-to-face training programs with e-learning modules, action learning sets, or discussion forums. Emerging new modes like e-learning, mobile learning, and gaming are adding flavors to blended learning techniques.

Fun in Learning

Bearing in mind the short span of human attention, the bit-size learning approach is reshaping the learning behavior pattern. The chunking method helps to grasp information in short periods and accordingly learning is applied successfully in the workplace. Such crisp and apt learning motivate me to focus on the key concepts and techniques.

6.STANDARDISED COURSE TO BESPOKE PROGRAMMES: There is an earnest need to design each in-organization course suitable to the workforce, keeping one’s learning objective in view. On the contrary, the standardized courses have their limitations — many times the participants do not find relevance to the course content and their learning objectives.

7. MONOLOGUE TO INTERACTIVE LEARNING RESOURCES: Gone are the days when the print out of the slides was used as participant reference material. Each slide had a lot of information and was enough to create fear psychosis to the participant. In addition to the core face-to-face delivery, providing other resources like Participant Manuals, FAQ Guides, hints, tips, and fact sheets to support the learning may prove beneficial. Interactive Learning is a pedagogical approach that incorporates social networking and urban computing into course design and delivery. Interactive Learning has evolved out of the hyper-growth in the use of digital technology and virtual communication, particularly by students.

8.PROLONGED DURATION TRAINING TO BIT SIZE LEARNING: Bearing in mind the short span of human attention, the bit-size learning approach is reshaping the learning behavior pattern. The chunking method helps to grasp information in short periods and accordingly learning is applied successfully in the workplace. Such crisp and apt learning motivate me to focus on the key concepts and techniques.

The manner during which ancient strategies were tutored ensured that students were rewarded for his or her efforts, used category periods with efficiency, and exercised clear rules to manage students’ behavior. They were based on established customs that had been used successfully in schools over many years. The teachers communicated the knowledge and enforced standards of behavior. Whereas Progressive educational practices focus more on the individual student’s needs rather than assuming all students are at the same level of understanding. The modern way of teaching is more activity-based, using questioning, explaining, demonstration, and collaboration techniques.

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“The traditional “chalk and talk” method of teaching that’s persisted for hundreds of years is now acquiring inferior results when compared with the more modern and revolutionary teaching methods that are available for use in schools today. Greater student interaction is encouraged, the boundaries of authority are being broken down, and a focus on enjoyment over grades is emphasised.”
says Sania Jackson.

Applying what you’ve got learned is wherever 80 percent of the education takes place. This involves victimization of the talents and information at intervals your work atmosphere that produces the educational stick, inflicting a behavior amendment that produces desired results. … Since learning is dynamical behavior, you may encounter resistance.

Increased and video game trends in education technology create learning compelling expertise. Whereas increased reality provides associate degree increased read of a true image, video game provides a false perception of reality around them. Each of these techniques has taken digital learning to new dimensions. One of the largest blessings of technology is the ability for college kids to be told at their own pace. Some students can go with new ideas whereas others would like longer to assimilate knowledge. Brighter students will go to the ensuing stage whereas others will use different learning strategies.

Technology may be accustomed to improve teaching and learning and facilitate our students to achieve success. However, technology may be a “force multiplier” for the teacher. Rather than the teacher being the sole supply of facilities in a very room, students will access internet sites, online tutorials, and a lot more to help them.
Education technology will create learning more interactive and collaborative and this could facilitate students’ interaction with course material. Instead of memorizing facts, they learn by doing. For a few students, interactivity provides a stronger learning expertise


Photo by Bruno Barreto on Unsplash

The coronavirus pandemic has caused Asian nations and alternative nations around the world to rush into remote learning. This abrupt shift can have a large impact on teaching and learning long when the COVID-19 crisis ends. Picker, a leading legal scholar at the University of Chicago school of law says that the technology and infrastructure for remote learning are building within us and alternative nations over the last decade, creating the large push on-line doable. This huge shift is leading to experimenting on a world scale whereas underscoring a digital divide supported financial gain and site that has long existed, says Picker. Remote learning may be a powerful tool from grade school to skilled education categories, and whereas Picker says it doesn’t replace the room, it shrinks distances and supports teaching in new and fascinating ways in which for instance, invitatory a guest speaker from Europe maybe a few clicks away instead of requiring travel.

Why the World is Betting on Online Education During the Pandemic

There are several advantages of turning to online education — even beyond the fact that the model is synonymous with social distancing. These include:

Flexibility: It’s much more convenient for college students and academics to embrace online learning. A stable web association and a pc square measure all that’s needed to show your home into a room, and with today’s high-speed web connections at cheap costs, this setup is simpler than ever.

Accessibility: Before the internment, thousands of migrant students came back to their hometowns to keep|to remain} home and stay safe with their families. In such a state of affairs, on-line learning becomes a lifesaver. With E-Learning, students will access instructional opportunities that may not be out there to them otherwise.

E-Learning amidst the Pandemic

Range of specializations: For college students wanting to reinforce their skilled skills through on-line learning, the web may be a treasure of relevant courses, with thousands of hours of helpful content that may bolster their data and ability base. there’s no dearth of choices out there, and students will take hold of their career flight by selecting the one that suits them the simplest.

Cost-effectiveness: Online learning is way a lot of economical than ancient learning ways. Online degrees value virtually a tenth of their offline counterparts. This can be an important side in today’s economy, wherever job losses and pay cuts square measure rampant. Students will rest assured that the economic blows dealt by the pandemic won’t affect their education and, in turn, the longer term of their careers.
The traditional learning method rote learning followed by a degree is currently virtually rendered. Today’s students perceive that active learning and relevant sensible business coaching square measures are much more valuable in building a triple-crown career. As a result, the will to find out from business professionals is booming. Students believe that such experiences can facilitate them employment a lot of effectively than in an exceeding room with archaic lessons.

Now that online education is the sole viable possibility, a revolution is on the horizon. Several students United Nations agency embrace e-learning throughout these tough circumstances could stick with it even once the pandemic has passed. Online learning is an Associate in Nursing intrinsic a part of the new tradition. It’s a unique methodology of learning that has been steadily gaining momentum for a short time, and by the appearance of it, is here to remain.

Technology is an ever-changing platform. We can’t deny it cause we all are benefitted with it and more or less it has turned our necessity too. Traditional techniques used repetition and memorization of information to educate students, it meant that they were not developing their critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. Modern learning encourages students to collaborate and therefore be more productive. Saying that traditional and modern teaching methods are both effective and useful in today’s education. Sarah Wright, who blogs for TES, explains:

“As with most things, it’s all about balance. We need to understand when a traditional method works best and when it’s right to try new and innovative approaches.”

Digital Learning

The best thanks to concluding this discussion is that at the side of adapting and evolving ourselves with the newer learning strategies we’ll keep practicing the principles and disciplines of the standard learning strategies which will be beneficial.

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Satabdi Mohanty
Writer for

An undergraduate and a budding content writer. Love to explore something new everyday and every where.