Look up in your room

Bhuvan Pawar
Published in
3 min readJul 3, 2020

It’s summer. You’re working late in your office. With all the crowd and noises, this unpleasant hot weather has become unbearable. Pollution and long-distance also adding a pinch of resentment in the environment. You reach home. Finally, settling in your harmony. And then you switch on the fan. Your own lovely ceiling fan.

Then you realize its value. An electrical appliance made to swirl away, at least your irritation from the hotness you’re feeling. We hardly acknowledge it. However, it’s a part of our everyday life. Keeping the aura of your room according to you. It’s too chilly, regulate it on a lower level. Maybe your one is also swinging while you’re reading this article.

And like every other entity present in this world, it has a story of its own. So without further ado, let us witness the journey of a fan. From someone’s garage to every home, hanging on the ceiling.
Actually, before starting the tale of how it invented, let’s first know how the fan works. Practically, your fan does not deliver any kind of cooling effect. It just rotates the air present in your room. Warm air has a tendency to go up. So down in your room is relatively cool air. The fan rotates and spins that air. When this air comes in contact with your skin, it enhances the evaporation process. So the sweat your skin has, the whirling air takes along with it. That makes you feel the cooling effect in such heat. The size of your fan also matters. The bigger the blades and powerful the motor, the better the cooling.

Now that we are talking about its origin, let’s sneak a peek from the very beginning. Around 500 BC, India had it’s own manually operated ceiling fan called "Punkah". From the times of Kings and Queens, the vast empire, and all the historic castles. There were all kinds of convenience, even a ceiling fan too. You may have seen those punkahs in movies.

However, the modern-day electric fan was invented after the spread of electricity. Before the ceiling fan had created, there was the introduction of the electric fan. It was created by Dr. Schuyler Wheeler in 1882. He was an American electrical engineer. He made his invention by connecting two blades propeller with the electrical motor. A few years after the discovery of the electric fan, a German-American engineer named Philip Diehl created the ceiling fan. He took the blade system from Wheeler’s fan and used the sewing machine’s electric motor to provide power to it.

He thought about how this invention of his would become a huge success. He hanged the fan over the ceiling so that it would not use any space in the house. In 1887, he patented the creation and give the world a unique device. After a short while, it became a commercial success. The response of the public was extraordinary. Ceiling fans became prevalent in the household. By the end of World War I, they had a new model with 4 blades instead of the 2 blades original version. And presently, they are existing in most of the world. By the creativity of such people, the world has evolved so extensively. That is why we have to keep walking the steps of creativity and let our curiosity guide us. And to know about your curiosity type click here.



Bhuvan Pawar
Writer for

MBBS student, loves to travel, into astronomy, feminist, music, likes to read and write, chess player, dancer, sports, health n fitness