Mind-Blowing Facts you have probably missed in your schools!!!

sudeesh s
Published in
7 min readAug 19, 2020

All right children, Gather around!!!

It’s time for your classes!!

Unlike your normal classes, if you don’t like a topic, feel free to skip to the next topic.

Before you go back to your schools(I meant real schools, not the one which you are currently doing with your phones!!), Let’s learn something fun at this time so you can impress your friends.

In this article Let’s learn about some misconceptions we all have about some topics in science and crucial moments in history.

So, its basically, science and social classes combined!!.

Your science teacher lied!!!. Here are some crazy misconceptions in science:

Qn: Why do Astronauts feel weightless in International Space Station?

Do you think you know the answer!!! Let’s see

If you think the reason for Astronaut's weightlessness in space is due to Lack of gravity or No gravity!!

It’s WRONG!!

Answer: Before I tell you the answer, why you thought there will be no gravity or less gravity in International Space Station??

Which one is closer to earth??
*International Space Station

You know that the International Space Station is closer to the earth than Moon right!!

So, If Moon can experience our gravitation and spins around us means the International Space Station should definitely have gravitation right.

So, what causes weightlessness in space.??

The answer is the Gravitational Pull causes weightlessness in space.

Let me explain,
What will happen when you fall from a high building?

(Obviously, you die, So don’t try that) but before reaching the ground, when you are in midair, You experience weightlessness right…

Like that, the International Space Station is falling towards Earth!! so the Astronauts inside the Space Station experience weightlessness….

I know what you are thinking!!

Does the International Space Station going to crash on earth???

No, Even though the gravity of earth pulls International Space Station towards Earth, the space station is revolving the Earth at such a speed it has enough side velocity to prevent it from falling…

I know, sounds crazy right…..

If you knew the answer already, Congrats to you
Try to answer the next question correctly as well….

Alright, Next question…..

Qn: Why does the soda explode when you shake and open the bottle??

Do you think it’s because we increase the pressure in the bottle by shaking it and opening it causing to explode…

Sorry!!! you are wrong again!!

You can even try it... Attach a barometer(Pressure measuring instrument) on the top of a soda bottle and shake it. You may find that there will be no change in Pressure due to shaking….

So, what causes the Soda to explode??

If you open the bottle without shaking it, there will be no explosion right??

Answer: You know the Soda contains carbon dioxide right(the bubbly thing on top of the liquid… that’s carbon dioxide) so usually before shaking, the carbon dioxide will be completely mixed with the liquid.

But, when you shake the soda bottle and open it, the carbon dioxide tries to separate from the soda and tries to come to the top(why?? Because gas is less dense than liquid).

During its movement towards the top, it will push the liquid above it as well!!

So, that’s why the soda explodes when you shake it and open it…

(So, keep this answer in your mind, when you are buying your next soda…)

Congratulations to those, who got the answer right….

Qn: Go to your room and touch a tumbler and a book at the same time. Which one will have a low temperature??

Now, if your answer is a Tumbler, you are wrong!!

If your answer is Book, you are also wrong!!

Answer: Both of them will be at the same temperature.

Again I know what you are thinking!!

Then how, the tumbler feels colder??

You know that heat flows from high temperature to low temperature right!! (basic stuff..). Now, the tumbler and book is in your room for a long time, so it must be at room temperature in order to maintain equilibrium.

(Otherwise, some crazy reactions happen!!!)

So, what is your room temperature??

Depending on where you live it varies, but I am taking 30-degree Celsius which is my room temperature(As I live in India…)

Now, what is your body temperature??

Again it varies upon where you live... But the normal body temperature in India will be 37.5 degree Celsius

Clearly, Your hand will be hotter than both objects(Which are at room temperature)!!

But, why especially the tumbler feels cold is due to the fact that Metals can conduct at a faster rate than non-metallic objects.

So, what happens is Tumbler draws heat away from the hand quickly than compared to the book. So that’s why Tumbler feels colder.

One final question, for our science class!!

Qn: Where do trees get their mass??

You have seen a tree growing right??

It will be only in the size of few millimeters when you are first planting it(as a seed), But within a year it grows from millimeter to meter!!

so, How trees are getting big??

Now, if you think the trees are getting big by absorbing soil, you are wrong!!

Trees are absorbing only nutrients from the soil, so it does not have any effect on their mass. And if you think the trees are absorbing soil, there should be a giant hole in the bottom of every tree right!!

But that’s not the case, so what gives trees their mass??

Answer: The carbon dioxide which the plants are inhaling is responsible for most of the mass. We, human beings lose mass by exhaling carbon dioxide whereas trees gain mass by inhaling carbon dioxide!!

(so, it's a win-win situation for both of us!!)

If you want to learn science in an interactive way like this, visit www.ootsuk.com/explore to trigger your curiosity and learn stuff in a fun way.

The science class is over!!

Take your History note for your next class!!!

Do you know that WORLD WAR I could have been prevented if the driver of Austria king had taken a correct turn!!!

Let me explain what happened!!

There was an ongoing conflict between Serbia and Austria. The Serbian nationalists did not like the fact that the Bosnia and Herzegovina, was controlled by Austria and Hungary.

So, a group of young nationalists from Serbia hatched a plot to kill the Austrian king when he came to visit the forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Good Luck:
During their way to the visit, the nationalists tried to attack the motorcade with grenades and guns. But the driver managed to speed away, but another motorcade was hit resulting in an injury of the governor of Bosnia.

Bad Luck:
The Austrian king escaped and successfully reached the destination. But he wanted to visit the people who are in the hospital due to the attack from the morning. When they were on the way to the hospital since the driver was new to the town he took a wrong turn!!

Unfortunately, in the street, they have entered there were some nationalists from the morning attack. Even though the driver tried to reverse the car, the nationalists shot the Austrian king and his wife.

Immediate Escalation:
Austria believed that the Serbian government was behind these attacks and declared a war on Serbia. Since Serbia was in close allies with Russia, Russia supported Serbia and along with Russia the nations which were in ties with Russia like Great Britain, France also sided with Serbia.

So, Austria asked for help from Germany and that’s how the war started with millions of people died.

Do you know that A single man saved the world!!!

This is not a superhero story who saved the world with his magical powers!!

This is a story about a real man called Vasili Arkhipov who saved millions and millions of lives.

So, what did this man did which saved the entire world??

The cold war between the United States of America and Russia was at an all-time high. The president of America enacted a naval blockade around Cuba to neutralize all the threats to national security.

So, there was a high level of security around Cuba, and the US pilots frequently have flown over the Cuban area to secure the perimeter.

During an inspection, a US pilot spotted a Russian nuclear submarine near Cuba ready for deployment.

Americal aircraft and ships began using depth charges to signal the submarine that it should come to the surface so it can be identified.

But, the captain of the ship thought that the signal meant the war had broken out and he prepared to launch a nuclear torpedo!!!

Everyone in the ship agreed to launch it except ARKHIPOV who is also one of the captains of the ship.

He used his VETO power and prevented the launch of a Nuclear torpedo!!

If it wasn’t for him, the launch of the nuclear torpedo would be inevitable and it would have caused the two major superpowers in a direct conflict which would have cost millions and millions of lives.

So, we all may owe our lives to this single Russian officer Vasili Arkhipov

If you want to know more like this,

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sudeesh s
Writer for

I am a fresher in mechanical with a passion in automobiles.