The Insider’s Guide to AI Meets Education

Satabdi Mohanty
Published in
9 min readAug 4, 2020

Artificial intelligence (AI) is nothing but the ability of a computer virus or a machine to assume and learn. It’s conjointly a field of study that tries to form computers “smart”. Generally use, the term “artificial intelligence” suggests that a program that mimics human intelligence.

Many everyday influences of computer science are fixing the means our daily lives look. If somebody from the 1950s well-traveled through time and arrived in 2019, they’d wonder at the means we tend to use our smartphones to navigate around the city, however virtual digital assistants like Alexa and Cortana reply to our queries and would be puzzled by our addiction to social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. What’s currently traditional to us and steam-powered by AI, would be completely foreign to our friend from the past. There is no doubt that computer science is an integral part of our daily lives.

Our monetary establishments, legal establishments, media firms, and insurance firms are all working out ways to use computer science to their advantage. From fraud detection to writing news stories with language processes and reviewing law briefs, AI’s reach is intensive.


General Educational Crisis

The AI revolution is transforming schools and universities. Artificial intelligence brings many benefits to education, including enhanced online learning, a fairer admissions process, improved convenience, and help for disabled students. The AI revolution is transforming schools and universities. Artificial intelligence brings many benefits to education, including enhanced online learning, a fairer admissions process, improved convenience, and help for disabled students. The AI revolution is here! AI will revolutionize our lives by bridging the gap between what humans are capable of and which is actually possible. It will penetrate across industries to take over basic tasks from humans, seamlessly interacting with our daily lives.

Teaching the teacher

The use of AI-powered tools permits making world school rooms. It brings new learning opportunities for college kids with visual or hearing impairments and speakers of different languages, permits lecturers to think about completely different learning designs (making things easier for visual, modality learners, etc.), and personalize learning the maximum amount as attainable to boost tutorial performance.


Traditional school rooms, blackboards, and manuals have already become a vicinity of a retrograde understanding of the training method. sound into technologies, lecturers, and students will transcend the borders of what appeared attainable before. Hopefully, shortly the sole limitation left within the instructional space is going to be the will of 1 or another person for self-development.


Teachers at Criftins C of E school, in Dudleston Heath, say that the Maths-Whizz program has been an important tool for children’s education.

The program uses computing (AI) to mirror the behavior of an individual’s tutor through interactive learning and numbers games, to tailor math lessons to every child’s ability.

The headteacher at Criftins faculty, said: “Our pupils have enjoyed victimization Maths-Whizz throughout the closure amount.

“It meets the necessity of each kid as a result of there are enough scope and excitement to challenge the foremost in a position, further as people who want support at each level.

“We are victimization it for many years however since the internment it’s become all a lot of priceless. it is a distinctive program with vast potential.”

AI can solve a few educational crises

As computing becomes an increasing part of our daily lives, it’s no surprise that instructional establishments are athletics to catch up with the necessity to develop additional talent to stay the engine of AI development running. However, not solely is education being remodeled as so much as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) curricula, however the education trade as an entire is being remodeled by AI. progressively, instructional establishments from elementary to teaching moreover as an adult and skilled learning ar being remodeled by intelligent systems that are serving to humans learn higher and come through their learning objectives.

One of the best challenges with regards to education is that folks learn otherwise and at totally different rates. Students bear the education system with differing levels of intelligence and ability. Some are more proficient at “left brain” thinking with skills for analytical thought, whereas others ar additional complete at “right-brain” thinking with inventive, literary, and communicative ability. Others are challenged in several ways that with physical and mental disabilities, or talent sets that disagree from one region of the planet to a different, facing challenges in re-learning new languages and alphabets.


At the Smart India Hackathon 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said,

“To make our facilities, effective, interactive, and people-friendly, Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be a huge facilitator.”

The aim is to form India’s education further trendy, be it the Pradhan Mantri E-Vidya Karyakram, the Atal innovation mission, the rise in scientific temperament, the enlargement of scholarship in varied areas of the country, making new resources for on-line education or campaigns just like the sensible India Hackathon, PM Modi aforementioned.




Artificial Intelligence and the science of robotics is used in mining and other fuel exploration processes. These complex machines help to explore the ocean floor and overcome human limitations. Due to the programming of the robots, they can perform a more laborious task with extra hard work and with greater responsibility. Moreover, they do not wear out easily.


The best is the autocorrect feature, it understands what you are trying to say and present you the sentence in the best way possible. Have you observed that while you post a picture on social media, you tag people, but the machine automatically detects the person’s face and tags that individuals? The same is when you work on Google Photos. Automatically, a folder is created of the people with the help of their faces. Artificial Intelligence is widely employed by financial institutions and banking institutions because it helps to organize and manage data


AI helps doctors

This is the best thing that artificial intelligence has done to humans. It’s said that time and tide waits for none but, with medical applications of artificial intelligence, a wide scope application is present. Doctors assess patients and their health risks with the help of artificial machine intelligence. The applications help to educate the machine about the side effects of various medicines. Nowadays, medical professionals are trained with artificial surgery simulators.


The same old task, a task that doesn’t add value is of no use. Also, repetitive jobs are monotonous and can be carried out with the help of machine intelligence. Machines think faster than humans and can perform various functions at the same time. It can be employed to carry out dangerous tasks and its parameters are adjusted. This is not possible with humans as their speed and time can’t be calculated based on parameters.


The best is the autocorrect feature, it understands what you are trying to say and present you the sentence in the best way possible. Have you observed that while you post a picture on social media, you tag people, but the machine automatically detects the person’s face and tags that individuals? The same is when you work on Google Photos. Automatically, a folder is created of the people with the help of their faces. Artificial Intelligence is widely employed by financial institutions and banking institutions because it helps to organize and manage data


1. Unemployment

This one is the riskiest and can have severe effects. With capital intensive technologies, human-intensive requirements have decreased in some industries. If in the future, human beings don’t add to their skills, then in no time, we can see that they will be replaced with machines. The major issue of the GDP being stagnant or not growing at the expected rate is unemployment. People don’t possess the required skills that are in demand. There is a huge demand and supply gap because of this AI technology.

2. No human replication

No matter how smart a machine becomes, it can never replicate a human. Machines are rational but, very inhuman as they don’t possess emotions and moral values. They don’t know what is ethical and what’s legal and because of this, don’t have their judgment making skills. They do what they are told to do and therefore the judgment of right or wrong is nil for them. If they encounter a situation that is unfamiliar to them then they perform incorrectly or else break down in such situations.

3. No improvement with Experience

Artificial intelligence cannot be improved with experience, they can perform the same function again if no different command is given to them. With time, it can lead to wear and tear. It stores a lot of data but the way it can be accessed and used is very different from human intelligence.

4. Creativity is not Encouraged

Machines can’t be creative. They can only do what they are being taught or commanded. Though they help in designing and creating, they can’t match the power of a human brain.

5. High cost

The rise in the price of AI Technology

AI indeed comes with a high cost, but there is no such thing as a free lunch too. It requires huge costs as it is a complex machine. Apart from the installation cost, its repair and maintenance also require huge costs. The software programs need frequent up-gradation and cater to the needs of the changing environment.

Also, if there is a breakdown, the cost of procurement is very high. With that, recovery requires a huge time too.


The future of AI within the classroom. Imagine mechanism TA (either stationary or actively floating concerning the room) responsive a number of the vital, nevertheless additional memorization content queries that keep company with a specific assignment. Listening AI like Echo and Alexa may quickly access huge databases mid-lesson to share info at natural speed. Robots might be programmed to observe clerical work like assembling assignments, now alerting folks and guardians of missing work, facilitating restroom passes, and quick activity testing information in easy-to-read formats mechanism TAs may work singly with troubled students to drill content and easy-to-monitor skills.


All of those components free the educator — the empathizer, the creator, the conceiver, the adaptor — to do additional and be added within the classroom. Artificial Intelligence and also technology square measure one facet of the life that invariably interest and surprise us with the new ideas, topics, innovations, merchandise …etc. AI remains not enforced because of the films representing it(i.e. intelligent robots), but there are several necessary tries to achieve the amount and to contend in the market, like typically the robots that they show on TV. nonetheless, the hidden comes and also the development of industrial corporations.

In the end, we’ve been during this analysis through the AI definitions, transient history, applications of AI publically, applications of AI in the military, ethics of AI, and also the 3 rules of artificial intelligence. this can be not the tip of AI, there’s a lot of to return from it, UN agency is aware of what the AI will do for North American country within the future, perhaps it’ll be an entire society of robots.


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Satabdi Mohanty
Writer for

An undergraduate and a budding content writer. Love to explore something new everyday and every where.