How We Work in GoustoTech — Part 1

Ben Brown
Ben Brown — My Personal Blog
1 min readFeb 11, 2018

For anyone who’d like to see more about my day-job as Head of Engineering at Gousto I’ve started a series of blog posts on Gousto’s Engineering Blog, TechBrunch. The first post in the series look at how we structure the team. I’ve tried to cover not only the ‘how’ but also ‘why we made the decisions. We refer to ourselves internally as GoustoTech (hence the title!).

If you enjoyed the post or had any questions, please drop me a comment below. It would be great to hear any feedback or see if you agree or disagree with any of our decisions.

For anyone who hasn’t already tried Gousto but would love to give it a go, you’re very welcome to try it using my personal refer-a-friend code. Please enter promo code BEN282018 at checkout or click here to have the code automatically recognised. The code gives you 50% off your first two boxes giving you plenty of time to try out the service.

If you love what you read then we’re hiring at Gousto. Drop us an email using the contact information at the bottom of the post.

Originally published at on February 11, 2018.



Ben Brown
Ben Brown — My Personal Blog

London based Engineering Leader, Technologist and Foodie. Loves travelling and eating and blogging about it afterwards!