Why Putin is Invading Ukraine [VIDEO]

Oil and gas pipelines from Russia to the rest of Europe. Credit: Real Life Lore

One of my favorite YouTube channels, Real Life Lore, has released a video that does an excellent job of laying some of the geographic, economic, and political reasons Putin made the decision to invade Ukraine — and which country he is likely to invade next.

In short:

  • He wants to prevent Ukraine from replacing Russia as the primary oil and natural gas provider to Europe.
  • He wants to control more of the North European Plane.
  • Russia’s power will continue to wane as its military-age population shrinks, giving him a limited time to invade.

There’s much more context than this, so I suggest watching Real Life Lore’s video in full:

~ Ben



Ben Parr
Ben Parr | Entrepreneurial Musings

Founder, Investor, Author, ex-Journalist. President/Co-Founder of Octane AI | Author of Captivology | BoD of LJF | Past: CNET, Mashable | Forbes 30 Under 30