We have the wisdom and the tools to transform the crisis into an opportunity.

7 Key Areas of Focus to Transform the Plastic Crisis

Berna A.
Published in
7 min readFeb 11, 2019


You’ve undoubtedly heard: We as a species and the planet as a whole have an indisputable plastic challenge, on land and in the ocean. I know first hand from my trip to Clipperton, numerous beach cleanups, interviews with recycling centers, city officials, environmentalists as well as discussions with plastic manufacturers. There is consensus: There are too many plastics in the environment, much more being created and not enough being captured.

How do we solve this gargantuan plastic crisis? Ultimately, as the Ellen MacArthur Foundation has been developing and pointing out — the key is for everybody to move into a circular economy. Problem is you can’t get there overnight, there is no clear cut roadmap that works for all, and there are still all the plastics that are already here.

There is not a single solution as a magic wand that can rid all the plastic that we all managed to produce and put into the world, nor that can stop it from happening in the next couple of years. We are all in this together. The problem is too big and far-reaching, practically every single human in every single building contributes to it one way or another. In some circles, it is argued that the plastic problem is even more widespread than the carbon problem the world has been tackling. At least, it is said, there were some regions in the world that were…



Berna A.

Ocean Actionist. Circular Economy Consultant. Sustainability, Business, and Nature Speaker. Nature Photographer.