Health Care Teleconsultation Apps Idea, Product Development Cost, Technology and Timeline Analysis

Yateesh Bhardwaj
Benchwork Technologies
7 min readFeb 20, 2021

Product Idea

Gone are the days, when patients need to wait in Queues to get an appointment with a Doctor. Now, the time has come when technology has enabled us to connect with our doctors anytime and from any part of the world. Even it has facilitates Doctors to provide consultation online without spending time in traveling and managing large clinics.

Though the requirement of Online Consultation has felt after the Pandemic 2020, which helped us in realizing that we need to change our habits and processes which have been existing since along. That’s why the Government of India came up with lots of policies for Teleconsultation processes in the Healthcare Industry. Not only the Government of India is planning to revolutionize the healthcare industry, but they have also even planned for funding into Startups that are changing this industry with innovative solutions.

Product Scope

An increasing number of mobile users in India has led to a rapid increment in the demand of Teleconsultation apps all along. The whole product will consist of the following things

  1. Patient App
  2. Healthcare Service Provider App for Doctors, Labs and Pharmacies
  3. Single Page Website or Complete Web App for Online Consultation and Management
  4. Admin Panel

I am the founder of Benchwork Technologies, a Software development firm based in Noida, India. I am an experienced product development Manager and an Entrepreneur with specialized skills in Health Care Apps Development. We are a specialized firm in the development of Healthcare apps that help users in the following ways:-

  1. Teleconsultation(Online Video/Audio Consultation):- A user can book an appointment with the doctors of any specialty according to the time slot available on any particular day. Once the appointment is done, the user can do a video consultation or audio consultation with the doctor on the day and time of the Appointment.
  2. OPD Consultation(Clinic Visit):- Teleconsultation App doesn’t mean that a user can’t book an OPD appointment. In fact, a user can book an OPD appointment in the same manner as Online Consultation except that he has to go to the OPD of the doctor.
  3. Maintain Health Records:- These apps can provide the facility of recording prescriptions, lab records, or any other medical records digitally by a user of his own or his family members separately.
  4. Follow Up:- Every consultation allows a patient an opportunity to visit a doctor again without paying any fees according to the terms and conditions of the doctor. It can valid from 7 days to a month as well, depending from doctors to doctors. The best thing about Follow up is that a user doesn’t need to pay a single penny in that time period.
  5. Lab Test Booking:- Such apps can also come up with a facility for booking lab tests near the user’s location. A user can search the nearby labs and then can book Pathology/Radiology tests available at the lab by paying the fees online during booking or a user can choose an option of pay later as well.
  6. Pharmacy Orders:- If you are thinking of making this app more wide in terms of revenue model then you can come up with booking orders with pharmacies. It runs in two different ways, first, a user will select a pharmacy and then share the prescription with the pharmacy. Here Pharmacy will generate a payment link according to the medicines required and the user has to pay the bill first and then the pharmacy will deliver the order at home. Secondly, app can provide a facility of direct selling of medicines irrespective of the pharmacies available on the store just like Flipkar or Amazon do. You just have to take care of the product not of the vendors.
  7. Add Family Members:- A user can add family dependants in the app and can maintain their consultations, pharmacy orders, lab bookings, health records, etc

This is not just limited to patient apps, it also requires a service provider app as well where a service provider can provide consulting to the Patients and write prescriptions for the patients, Labs can manage Bookings and a Pharmacy can manage the orders of the patients. Service provider apps will have the following functionalities:-

  1. Online Consultation- This functionality will be used by a doctor to do Video or Audio Consultations.
  2. OPD Appointments- This module will help users to manage users who have booked OPD appointments.
  3. Prescription Management- Writing a prescription on a physical paper is easy as compared to writing a prescription on Mobile. So this module will help doctors in writing prescriptions efficiently.
  4. Appointments Calendar- This Calendar Module will help doctors to see Consultations day-wise in the calendar. Also, the doctor can cancel the appointments if he wants to, from the same module. This module will help doctors in managing all the past, present, and future appointments.
  5. Time Slots Management- A patient can only book an appointment with a doctor at a specific interval of time which is provided by the doctor. So this time interval is handled through this time Management engine.
  6. Lab Orders Management for Labs:- A Lab Service provider can manage Lab orders/bookings using the Calendar module similar to doctors. Labs don’t need to focus on the time management module as they have enough staff to handle any number of patients at any time.
  7. Pharmacy Orders Management for Pharmacies:- A Pharmacy once received a prescription from the user can manage the order by accepting or rejecting it. And then they will share the billing and payment link to a user. Tracking of Orders can also be possible using the same app but it will require a different app for delivery men.

These are the basic required functionalities for a HealthCare Apps but depending on the business model these functionalities can vary.

Timeline required in Product Development

The timeline for this app with the above-mentioned functionalities will take around 60–90 Working days depending on the extension of modules as well.

Team Required for Product Development

Team required for the development of such an app solely depends on the type of app and Tech stack. For eg., a business can opt for native apps or also they can prefer Hybrid Apps. Both of the requirements will have different pros and cons.

For Hybrid Apps Development, the team will require the following members:-

  1. Project Manager- One experienced Project Manager is required to manage the growth and timeline of the product with utmost care of Quality.He must have the knowledge of the Health Tech industry to shape the product in the right direction.
  2. Hybrid Apps Developer(Flutter or React Native):- There will be a requirement of two hybrid apps developers, each for patient and service provider apps separately.
  3. Admin Panel and Single Page Website:- One Front end developer(Angular Js or ReactJS) can be required for the development of a Single Page website which will be required for Campaigning and business listing and also for developing the admin panel with all the analytics and user management functionalities.
  4. Quality Analyst:- Two Quality Analysts (One Senior and One Junior) are required to maintain the Quality of the product by getting the apps and admin bug-free.
  5. Graphic Designer- Designers are the ones who are solely responsible for making your product successful if he/she will take care of the User Experience and User Interface.

For Native Apps Development, the team will require the following team members:-

  1. Project Manager- One Project Manager is required to manage the growth and timeline of the product with utmost care of the Quality.
  2. Android Apps Developers:- There will be a requirement of two android apps developers, each for patient and service provider apps separately.
  3. IOS Apps Developer:- There will be a requirement of two IOS apps developers, each for patient and service provider apps separately.
  4. Admin Panel and Single Page Website:- One Front end developer(Angular Js or ReactJS) can be required for the development of a Single Page website which will be required for Campaigning and business listing and also for developing the admin panel with all the analytics and user management functionalities.
  5. Quality Analyst:- Two Quality Analysts (One Senior and One Junior) are required to maintain the Quality of the product by getting the apps and admin bug-free.
  6. Graphic Designer- Designers are the ones who is solely responsible for making your product successful if he/she will take care of the User Experience and User Interface.

Product Development Cost of HealthCare Apps

The most important part of a business where an Entreprenuer or a businessman will think whether to go ahead for such a business idea or not is the Product development and operations Cost. Though the Operations Cost is something which we think is solely dependant on the revenue model planned by an Entrepreneur or a Businessman but yes Product Development Cost is in our hands and can be handled by a Development Company.

Developers in the US and other Countries Charge something between $50-$100 per hour while in India it’s around $25-$35 per hour. So the total development cost of a Complete HealthCare product which includes complete requirement analysis and product development will be around $13000-$15000(Approx. INR 10,00,000)

Final Conclusion- If you are looking for the demo of a healthcare app then feel free to connect with us anytime at or you can also connect with us on our Business Whatsapp +91–7988306833

