Bender Labs Q1 2021 Wrap Up

Bender Labs
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2021


Hey there Bender community,

We’re super excited to bring you the first ever edition of the Bender Labs newsletter, where we’ll WRAP up what we’ve been up to and what we’ve got coming up next. While this newsletter will be monthly from here on out, our first edition will be covering Q1 of 2021. Want it delivered directly in your inbox? Sign up for our mailing list here!

In January 2021, we released the WRAP Protocol whitepaper. We also launched social channels for Twitter and LinkedIn, with Discourse and Telegram channels added in March 2021 to give our developer community dedicated channels to interact on.

We also implemented a weekly Wednesday Wrap series which highlights the team’s progress from the week prior, which you can find each Wednesday on our social channels.

The tech team was hard at work this quarter, building out the WRAP Protocol. A few of the key accomplishments include:

  • Integration of NFTs to Wrap Protocol (ERC721)
  • The Signers Node code has been made public on Github
  • Onboarded our 5th and last Signer’s Quorum member
  • Opened the code of our tezos smart contracts on Github
  • Built out the $WRAP governance token with Homebase/BaseDAO team
  • Started design and coding of wrapping fee distribution mechanisms
  • Began to work on an API to simplify interactions with the Wrap dApp and protocols, and it minted its first wToken on testnet
  • First end-to-end wrapping through the dApp on testnet
  • First version of signer infrastructure deployed on testneT
  • First version of decentralized API to access Wrap and allowing dynamic wrapped token management
  • Added the unwrap functionality to the dApp and reworked the UX(almost)
  • Finished developing the $WRAP governance token contract and launched on testnet
  • Members of the Signers Quorum started to experiment wrapping assets on testnet

The team also took part in several community events:

As we move forward closer to launch, we’re looking forward to adding additional team members to Bender Labs. Interested in building with us? Send an email to

We are excited to have you all on board from the very beginning and thank you for your support! Stay tuned for our next Clubhouse event which will be an open Office Hours for you to come and speak with the founders.

Until next time, that’s a wrap.

The Bender Labs team

