Farming Contracts Update — Wrap Protocol

Bender Labs
Bender Labs
Published in
2 min readSep 15, 2021

With the announcement of Wrap support for ERC-721 tokens (NFTs), we had to update our fee farming contracts in order to incorporate the fees generated by wrapping and unwrapping these assets, currently set at 1 XTZ each.

As such, we need you to migrate your assets from the old farms to the new ones so you can continue to receive rewards! You may be thinking, “Of course! But how can I do that?”, and it’s easy!

Migrating $WRAP from the old to the new farms

  1. Visit
  2. Connect your preferred Tezos wallet
  3. Claim all of your current rewards

4. Unstake all of your current $WRAP tokens

5. Visit our current fee farm page

6. Stake your $WRAP tokens as you did before!

And you’re done! That’s all you need to do and you will be able to continue to receive rewards in the fee farms. No changes were done to the liquidity mining program.

More on the way!

This is just one of the many changes we are bringing to fruition in the coming weeks for you, the community. We will soon be announcing updated tokenomics, the official integration of Wrap DAO, and more! Join us in building an open, unstoppable financial system today.

