Advantages of being bilingual in the workplace

There is a growing desire for employees who can speak more than one language. When a company hires an employee who can speak more than one language, it gives the business an opportunity to expand. The business can now communicate with other businesses from foreign countries and can also communicate with potential clients and customers. The company now has the opportunity to generate more business, as well as potentially expand their locations to foreign countries.

As businesses continue to expand, being able to speak a second language will give you an advantage over others. “These days, more and more companies are going global, making connections with consumers, vendors, and clients all over the world. As a result, these companies are looking to hire employees who already have a leg up on other applicants.” (Hitchcock, 2017) If there are two candidates for the same position who have the same experience and skills but one of them can speak another language, it’s likely that the bilingual candidate will get the job, especially if the company is global or looking to go global in the future. Companies are looking for bilingual candidates.

Not only does knowing an additional language benefit the company you work for, but it also can benefit you in many ways from your health to your salary. One way to help delay Alzheimer’s Disease is by leaning a second language and keeping the mind going. Being bilingual also helps you earn more money than your colleagues too as well. “Secondly, different languages have varying salary values, depending on its importance in global business. There’s a 1.5 percent premium for Spanish, 2.3 percent for French, and a whopping 3.8 percent premium for German.” (Hitchcock, 2017). Earning anywhere from 1.5 to 3.8 percent more annually may not seem like a lot, but by the end of your career it will add up. This quote is also eye opening because it provides information for which languages are more valuable in business.

Being bilingual is a unique and useful talent to have. Whether you learn a second language to preserve your health, help your company, help your salary, or just because you want to, you will benefit greatly from doing so.


Hitchcock, A. (2017, May 11). The Benefits of Bilingualism in Business. Retrieved from United Language Group:

