Bilingual benefits

Knowing more than one language has several advantages in today’s world. Being able to communicate in more than one language allows you to understand other cultures, make more friends and make more money. If you are born into a bilingual family, you have an advantage from the start.

If someone is born into a bilingual family, they often learn both languages from the very beginning. Not only is it easier for a someone to learn a second language as a child rather than an adult, but this will allow them to be more fluent as they continue to grow. According to (Cunninghan-Anderson & Steffan Anderson, 1999), a parent can see their child’s bilingualism as “an asset for the future, almost as a qualification which will be useful to the children in their careers.”

The authors go on to explain how knowing a second language can benefit them no matter what the language. If it is a language that is commonly used such as Spanish or German, they will be able to use that in a company that does business with those who speak another language. If the child learns a language that is not so common, it will make them valuable in that they can communicate in a language that most others cannot- it will help them stand out.

Learning a second language can be done in many ways, whether it’s learned from a parent or at school. “This can be done by placing the child in an international school or an immersion language programme…” (Cunninghan-Anderson & Steffan Anderson, 1999). No matter how the language is taught to a person, that person is going to carry valuable skills and talents that others do not possess. These will give them an advantage when applying for jobs, being able to travel for work, and have a broader knowledge on life.

