Building Client Trust in a Virtual World

Paul Tyer
Published in
3 min readJul 28, 2020

COVID-19 has altered your workflow, limited your personal interactions, and seemingly digitized life as you once knew it. Needless to say, the world is in need of some consistency. As a broker, extending a welcome and trusting hand to new clients is pivotal to growing your reach. But, that personable first impression (which you’ve perfected and relied on for so long) has now been shifted to online interactions. In today’s world, more than ever before, it’s crucial that you remain open, authentic, and trusting in order to build new relations with your clients.

The next challenge is answering the question — how do I develop relationships with new clients in a remote work environment?

Luckily, establishing this trust online is not only possible, but it is also incredibly easy to accomplish. Here are a few ways to ensure that your client interactions are genuine, timely, and personal.

Communicate with consistency.

Carve out specific time to interact with, and check in on, your clients. When you prioritize maintaining this steady communication, you’re demonstrating that you’re a reliable broker to have. In a time where consistency is rare, your clients will appreciate this predictable and consistent form of communication.

PRO TIP: Implement a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) into your routine. This type of software can help improve your customer experience, satisfaction, retention and service.

Become a Visual Tools Expert.

Use video interactions as much as possible (Zoom, Google meetings, Facetime, Skype). It’s likely your new clients are just as unfamiliar as you are with building a broker-client relationship via screen-time. Always opt for a visual meeting instead of a simple phone call or email exchange when appropriate. Video interactions will provide your new clients with a sense of who you are. Choosing to not only embrace, but become an expert with these tools, will help initiate a strong relationship from the start.

Brand Yourself.

Start by infusing your social accounts (LinkedIn specifically) with humanity, authenticity, and passion. Personalize your profiles with insights into your values, personal-missions, and interests. Provide your new (and potential) clients with a genuine representation of who you are.

PRO TIP: Get used to sharing educational, helpful, and engaging content that your existing and potential clients will enjoy. Benefix shares healthcare content catered specifically to small businesses each week.

Customize Your Outgoing Messages.

A LinkedIn request, or other forms of social media networking, may be the easiest way to connect with new clients. However, they will feel far more valued if your messages to them are customized and personal. Doing this demonstrates your effort to reach them, and highlights the specific interest they’ve sparked in you. Take the time to research your potential client before reaching out, and then make sure to include a personal note in your first communication.

Social Proof.

Ask leaders and mentors in your field for LinkedIn recommendations. This provides your clients with the sense of certainty they desire, and will reassure them that you have the experience and expertise to handle their needs. These recommendations serve as a testimonial to your character, work ethic, and strengths — giving your new clients the clarity they’re looking for.

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Paul Tyer
Writer for

25+ years insurance veteran with roles: co-founder of TRA Benefit Solutions, partner at Emerson Reid, consulting at Aflac Group, and now Benefix’s VP of Sales.