The 12 Gifts of Christmas and a Blessed New Decade

Abi Mapua
Benilde HiFi
Published in
6 min readDec 16, 2019
12 Gifts of Christmas

Moonshot Thinking is about motivating people to think big by framing problems as solvable and encouraging “anything is possible” conversations around how to solve it. When working in a space responsible for shaping mindsets and driving institutional change and action, it is fairly easy to get lost in all the operational work and blur of events due to the urgent need for impact. I find it always refreshing and good practice to regularly sit in quiet and take stock. It humbles me, helps me process, learn, and more importantly remember deeply.

It so happens that the day I do this falls on the 12th of December. What a wonder-full way to end this decade by using the 12 days of Christmas as a platform to share with everyone the story of faithfulness and wonder that The Reason For The Season has done for the Hub of Innovation For Inclusion (HiFi), and me personally.

First on our list is the first Design Thinking Workshop that was officially hosted in Benilde back in 2014. I am grateful to Mr. Bob Tang, our Chancellor, for the trust given to experiment with what was then a novel approach. Because of that first workshop we were able to raise champions within Benilde. I am grateful for their trust and friendship.

Second. The birth and nurturing of passion and perseverance. HIFI started with a tiny yet bold idea of what was then the Taft Love Creative Trade School to what is now the Hub of Innovation For Inclusion. In those 5-7years, there were times when it felt like there was no way the concept of a social innovation hub will ever be a reality. The struggle has been real. Rejections, disappointments, failures, loooong waits.. name it. Yet a few friends, champions, like minds, collaborators, inspiring reads and stories globally sustained me. They are all heaven sent grace and manna meant to sustain and bring us forward. Passion and perseverance is especially needed if we are in the business of introducing new ways of thinking and doing. Angela Duckworth summed up these two qualities as GRIT.

Third. The value of Team Work Makes the Dream Work become real and meaningful every single day as we share the wins and weather the storms together. From a borrowed team of 2 from the School of Design and Arts Deans Office (that is Nicole Agunday and me!) we are now nearing completion as a core team. Each person in the team brings something unique in the conversation and to the work that we do together. Each of us with our rough edges, pieced together, creates beautiful dream work.

Fourth. We are grateful for the trust and partnership of reliable, relevant, and rockstar mentors. They are indeed the ones that bring the force and rigour of implementation impact and scale to the work that we do.

Fifth. We have been surrounded by curious minds, open hearts, and able hands that are willing and hungry to learn new tools and thinking through the many workshops and learning experiences we have given. These opportunities help us understand our emerging market and build a culture of innovation for inclusion.

Sixth. HIFI has formally started its incubation program in 2017. We were blessed to support 12 teams in total and I am happy to share that 5 out the 12 are successful early stage startups. They have grown from ideas on paper to ventures that are able to sell, hire, and create small ripples of impact. 5 out of 12, that is a good batting average of more than 1/3!

Seventh. The applaud goes to Meal Amigo. They are a team that we have been incubating all the way from Butuan in Mindanao. By mere geographical distance and online communications difficulty, this is an incubation feat as Meal Amigo is stronger than ever. They have registered their venture, just celebrated 1 year of selling operations, is already employing 5 nanay’s (housewives and mothers from GK Farms in Butuan) who will soon become their business partners, serves healthy food, and saves busy working moms from compromising on their family’s health.

Eighth. The mandate to build a just and humane society is a mission that cannot be done by a single entity. This requires careful work with multiple stakeholders. HIFIs IN_PACT Asia Forum mainstreamed the innovation for inclusive impact agenda by holding an annual regional forum attended by at least 300 participants from a good mix of corporate, social sector, academe and government. Through this forum, we have connected many actors to work together, brought front and center the importance of inclusive innovation, and empowered many to act.

Ninth. From the use of our space, co-design and joint offering of programs, and incubation support, we are grateful to our collaborators and partners for the enthusiasm and trust to work together. Our impact story is theirs as well.

Tenth. HIFI always believed in the untapped strength of cities and communities as vehicle for true revitalisation of our public spaces, services, and citizen engagement. We are glad to have the City of Pasig as our first government partner just this year through the co-hosting of the first Climathon in the Philippines (a climate hackathon that is part of a global movement thru Climate-KIC). The ClimathonPasig 2019 yielded two solid waste solutions that we are presently supporting in partnership with PLDT and the City of Pasig.

Eleventh. It has been said that human beings change at the precipice, the 11th hour. HIFI refuses to settle and take this as truth. We believe that we can activate a generation that will shape the future they deserve. The Future Shapers fellowship program is designed to equip Filipinos with the mindset and tools to become proactive systems change leaders. The program is in partnership with the Science Foundation and Tandemic.

On the 12th Day of Christmas, we found HOME! From borrowing a 20sqm office at the School of Design and Arts (thank you Advancement Office) for the last 3 years.. We are finally home and eternally grateful for Mr. Peter D. Garrucho Jr. and the College of Saint Benilde for the act of charity, faith, and hope to increase the work of inclusive innovation. We fondly look at our humble beginnings and in all humility will move and pay it forward.

Do visit, drop us a line, share a conversation. We are always open to ideas.

Let us seal this decade with gratitude, bring forward our learnings, and sharpen our work together into the next.

Have a beautiful Christmas and a blessed next decade, everyone!



Abi Mapua
Benilde HiFi

Guiding organisations towards strategic futures and transformation. Regenerative design provocateur. Breathwork rookie.