Benilde Prize Roadshow / De La Salle Lipa / April 26–28

De La Salle Lipa’s Nexxus Labs fielded forty-five of its best students to bring the social good gospel to this dynamic city of more than 300,000 people in Batangas, Philippines.

Benilde HiFi
Benilde HiFi
1 min readJun 7, 2017


The recent magnitude 5.5 earthquake that shook the region posed some serious questions about the disaster preparedness and resilience of Batangueños.

Team CalamiTent came up with the most human-centered solution that got the votes of the panel of judges from Nexxus Labs.

Our bato-bato-pick (rock, paper, scissors) pick icebreakers are a hit! This student is the back-to-back winner. I mean, how do you do it, miss?
We longboard. Because we’re fun like dat. And inclusive mobility. Right.



Benilde HiFi
Benilde HiFi

The Peter D. Garrucho Jr Innovations Institute is a community space and business incubator for social good in Benilde and beyond. Connect now