Benilde Prize Roadshow / Lorma Colleges / San Juan, La Union / May 8–9

Ilocanos are known to be resilient. Do they make the cut?

Benilde HiFi
Benilde HiFi
1 min readJun 7, 2017


Seventy-one students from 20 schools in La Union, Philippines hunkered down for two days of intensive design thinking workshops at Lorma Colleges along the shimmery shores of the famous surf town of San Juan.

There’s something about the authenticity of local culture, married to actionable solutions that makes impact. Seems legit? It is. Adigi, which means “pillar” in the Iloco language, bested five other teams to get the nods of judges Abi Mapua-Cabanilla, Mark Meily & Jay Jaboneta. Will their innovative idea stand against the best of the field in Benilde Prize 3.0? Hold on to your posts guys!



Benilde HiFi
Benilde HiFi

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