A letter to my crush

Dear Anakle,

Jemima Oluwadarasimi Assim-Ita
2 min readMay 1, 2017


I’m not going to pretend I’ve known you my whole life — a friend actually introduced us. I’m not going to pretend like I didn’t stalk you either. I’m not admitting anything here.

We don’t even talk, yet, but I feel like I know you by virtue of my lurking on Google. People hype a lot of other guys(companies) and pretend that they are this and that, but I’ve been searching for the one. Now that I’ve found him, he’s literally asking me why the chicken crossed the road. I do not know whether it’s a trick question to know how funny I am or it’s a verification of some sort. I actually thought it was just girls that gave trick questions.

You once said I should pretend I’m a genius, then act like one, but now I’m saying back to you “Pretend I’m your intern, then hire me so I can act like one”.

Anakle, you’re the only facebook in my-space.

I’ve had this dream of mastering in Human Computer Interaction(a division of Artificial Intelligence) at Carnegie Mellon University for as long as I can remember and you’re one of the very few companies (I’ve identified) that cares a lot about user interaction and user experience. I am quite confident that working at your lab for the very little six months I have will make a huge impact on my future.

I write asking for just one favor:

Dear Anakle, could you allow a ruthlessly ambitious and meticulous young lady intern at your lab in January, 2018?

