ForloopCU: A recap on the Greatness I experienced

Sandra Israel-Ovirih
Published in
5 min readFeb 20, 2017
ForloopCU facilitators and attendees

During the early hours of this morning, i did a mental recap on what happened yesterday and I thought it fit to write on my experience at ForloopCU.

Saturday the 18th was the amazing ForloopCU that held in Covenant University, Ota. I got to hear about the gathering on twitter from my developer friends. I guess other people heard through the same means. At first, I was undecided on going or not (I mean, being a ‘beginner’ programmer) but only a few hours to the time I made up my mind to be there and soak up all the tech anointing that was gonna be distributed (LOL).

On to ForloopCU

The opening

It started roughly some minutes after 12 with a word of prayer followed by a presentation by Aniedi Udo-Obong. He spoke about GDG, Google Developer Groups. GDG like it already states is a community of developers all over the world brought together by their interest in Google technology. The community is spread all over the world with different sub-communities in different continents and countries. I was particularly glad when he spoke about how the GDG in Africa is fast growing and also in Nigeria. He also spoke about the benefits of the community and how it’s amazing to have people with common interests come together to share their work and help each other (this is one thing I absolutely love about the idea of Forloop).

After Aniedi, we had Ire Aderinokun talk a little on the work she does and the front-end session she was going to take. Then we had Timi Ajiboye, a full stack developer. who spoke on how he started as a developer showing off his good-looking website, and what he was taking in his breakout session.

Timi Ajiboye

Then, we had AM Imogie, amazing freelance designer take a brief design session on how to build the forloop-app. He spoke about the basic keys to design and design software.

AM Imogie speaking on design

We had three breakout sessions on: Design handled by Mubarak , Front-end handled by Ire and Back-end by Timi.

I was part of the Front-end session. It was absolutely amazing we learnt how to build the front-end of the forloop-app. The HTML, CSS using angular framework; Two way binding; Storing users data in local data base. There were lots of questions at the end of the session, which Ire was fully able to answer, some people won shirts. It was pretty cool I mean its not everyday you get a Google Developer Expert to show you how its done.

I couldn’t be in the other sessions well obvs… but I asked people that were part of it and they really had the best time.

Frontend session with Ire
Backend session with Timi

Beyond the people who facilitated the sessions. We had so many other great guys present assisting with the sessions: Chris from, Seun from Devcenterco, Babajide Duroshola, Ngozi from Andela, guys from irokotv, Ajibola, Ridwan and Remi from flutterwave, Funsho, Ace,C0depanda Rotimi Okungbaye.

After about an hour of the sessions, everybody gathered again. At this point I mean, I could relate with this tweet:

The great Prosper Otemuyiwa showered us with the the word.(LOL there was so much fire at this point). He is really a great speaker and I was so inspired. . He gave us tips on how to get to where you want to be as a developer: Keeping blogs, contributing to opensource. He also spoke about the benefits of putting yourself out there using blogs and letting people know what you do; Persistence and building strong relationships.

Where code cannot take you, people can take you. Build relationships!

The fire man himself, Prosper
Babajide speaking on distributed learning

Other speakers were: Chris from , Ridwan and Remi from flutterwave and Seun from Devcenterco. Babajide Duroshola spoke on distributed Learning at Andela which was a perfect way to end such a gathering of great minds.

I honestly had the best time and learned a lot. I also loved the energy, it’s amazing to see great and accomplishing people come together on their own free will to talk on what they do and help learners. There are really amazing possibilities with tech in Africa.

Shoutout to the amazing organizers: Godwin, OJ and the ForloopNigeria team.


Sandra Israel-Ovirih

Below are the some of the pictures taken at ForloopCU.

Credits and thanks go to the organizers, everybody who came and people who posted the pictures, they were all sourced from twitter.

Acc. rotimishotit
Some of the amazing facilitators

Thanks for getting to this point

Search for #forloopCU on twitter to catch up and connect with everybody that was a part of ForloopCU.

Don’t forget to recommend 💚 and share and comment.

Thanks to Benjamin Dada

