Diary of a Google Nigeria Intern — E

First week round-up

Benjamin Dada, MSc.
2 min readJun 16, 2017


The days had gone by quickly and I’ve finally reached the end of my first week at Google.

By the end of this week, I knew what the (tacit) dress code was. I started acclimatizing to the belief which says “If you stay at google for 5 weeks, you’ll add 5kg weight”. Best believe, I feel the extra kilos coming for me.

Showcasing the local culture — Lagos, Nigeria

L-R Keke Napep, Okada

It is common knowledge that the primary means of transportation in Nigeria is by road and of the two elements that ply the road are the Keke Napep’s (tricycles) and Okada’s (motorcycle). So, you want the other foreign Googlers who are potentially visiting Lagos, Nigeria for the first time to get accustomed to seeing them.

Beyond that, during the week, it was fun meeting some of my senior colleagues from San Francisco, Kenya and London. Had a project initiation meeting with the one from Kenya.

BTW, did I tell you about the level of executive treatment we receive? How about I start by saying, the highest amount of money I have spent on transport from Berger to Ikoyi is 100 naira, save for my first day. Also, I get to use the internet facility in the Jeep, wondering if life could get any easier. Yes, I’m excited about this because, I had always dreamed of it (although, somehow, I never get around to using my laptop in the car, perhaps my ‘street-wokeness’ would not let me).

Sigh, it’s time to go home. Perhaps, I’ll see you guys next week.

