Guide: How to Swap Your PRIMATE to BENJI

Animoca Brands
Benji Bananas
Published in
4 min readJul 17, 2023

What’s up Benji fam! 🐒

In order to help make the token swap as smooth as possible for everyone, Benji has put together a step by step guide on how to swap your PRIMATE over to BENJI via our website. Please read it carefully before proceeding to swap.

In the meantime, DO NOT move your PRIMATE in or out of your wallet, as snapshot of PRIMATE in your wallet has been taken.

If you have PRIMATE on other chains, please bridge it back to Ethereum first. See the next section for a general guide to bridge.

If you have PRIMATE in liquidity pools, please unstake and withdraw them to the same wallet.

Here is a flow diagram to help you understand what you need to do:

Here are the steps to swap on our website. Follow these steps carefully!

Step 1: Accessing the Swap Interface

  • You will see a pop-up reminding you of the necessary steps. Please note that swap is only available on Ethereum. Click on the “Swap” button to proceed to the Swap UI.

Step 2: Determining Your Eligible Swap Amount

  • Your eligible swap amount is determined based on the following factors:

a) The amount of PRIMATE tokens you had on both Ethereum (ETH) and Binance Smart Chain (BSC) at the time of the snapshot.

b) The current amount of PRIMATE tokens you have on Ethereum (ETH) in the same wallet that was snapshotted.


  • Holder A: $PRIMATE (ETH): 100 + $PRIMATE (BSC): 200, all 200 on BSC is bridged to ETH at the time of swap. Available to swap: 300 $BENJI (ETH).
  • Holder B: $PRIMATE (ETH): 100 + $PRIMATE (BSC): 200, all in the wallet but not yet bridged to ETH at the time of swap. Available to swap: 100 $BENJI (ETH).
  • Holder C: $PRIMATE (ETH): 100 + $PRIMATE (BSC): 200, only 200 on ETH in the wallet at the time of swap. Available to swap: 200 $BENJI (ETH).
  • Holder D: $PRIMATE (ETH): 100 + $PRIMATE (BSC): 200, have 200 on ETH at the time of swap, Available to swap: 200 $BENJI (ETH).

Step 3: Ensuring Token Bridging and Single Swap Limit

  • You are only allowed to swap once. Make sure that you have already bridged back your tokens to Ethereum (ETH) and that they are in the same wallet that was snapshotted. If you are unsure about the bridging process, please reach out to our community on Discord (Channel: benji-swap) before moving any funds.

Step 4: Connecting Your Wallet and Checking Balance

  • Click on the “Connect Wallet” button to establish a connection with your wallet and check the available balance for the swap.

Step 5: Verifying Available Swap Balance

  • You will be able to see the balance available for the swap. Take a moment to ensure that the displayed amount is correct before proceeding.
* The displayed amount is the full amount available for swap.

Step 6: Initiating the Swap

  • Once you have confirmed the correct balance, click on the “Swap” button to proceed with the swap process.

Step 7: Confirmation and Understanding of Single Swap Limit

  • You will be prompted again to ensure that you understand the single swap limit and the requirement to bridge back your tokens on Ethereum (ETH) if they were previously on BNB Smart Chain (BSC).

Step 8: Confirming the Swap

  • To initiate the swap, click on the “Confirm” button.

Step 9: Transaction Processing and Receipt

  • Once the transaction is processed, you will receive the amount of tokens in $BENJI as indicated in Step 5.
  • Please note that any tokens that are unavailable for the swap will not be compensated. Ensure that you have met the eligibility criteria outlined in Step 2 to avoid any complications.

That’s it! If you have any confusion or issues during this process, check out the Live FAQ. Feel free to reach out to us in Discord (Channel: benji-swap) and discuss with friends there. If you have issues specific to your wallets or transactions, you can submit a Google Form to us.

