Introducing Bennu

Brenda Jin
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2020

We’re excited to unveil early access for Bennu.

After talking to hundreds of individual contributors, managers, and executives, we heard one thing over and over again: the landscape of leadership has shifted, but the tools have not.

Nowadays, employees don’t want a supervisor; they want a coach, a manager, a leader. At the same time, managers want to cultivate teams that deliver effectively, while growing and learning together, too.

From continuous integration and delivery, we’ve already learned that the right mix of workflows and software tooling can dramatically accelerate the pace of delivery, collaboration, and innovation. At Bennu, we’re taking these same concepts from software engineering, and applying them to management.

Before CI/CD, releases involved code freezes and war rooms. Team productivity came to a standstill so that teams could coordinate changes and manage risk. Today, CI/CD has transformed these sensitive, heavyweight releases into reliable, incremental ones.

In the same way, Bennu’s modern management platform transforms performance feedback and management into a lightweight, incremental cycle that enables employees to continuously innovate, learn, and grow.

We heard from countless individuals that the easiest way to get a promotion was to “write everything down”.

With Bennu, there’s a fairer, better way for individuals to get visibility for their work. Bennu’s integrations automatically detect work, which eliminates the need for employees to coordinate status updates and copy/paste proof.

Users can easily add work contributions to 1-on-1 agendas, and curate work into career goals. There’s no longer any need to record everything in a doc. Instead, managers and reports can spend their time having a substantive conversation, connect on company and individual goals, and stay aligned on expectations.

“The real value is reducing the time to put things together… so that we can talk about quality.” — Chelsea MacDonald, People, Operations, and Product at Ada

We’re granting early access to companies who are scaling growth-mindset. If your team is interested, get in touch!



Brenda Jin
Editor for

Founder at Bennu. Board Member at Girl Develop It. All about empowerment and transformation.