Bensalem Democrats announce council and auditor candidates for 2019 municipal elections

Samantha Bambino
Bensalem Times
Published in
2 min readMar 6, 2019

Bryan Allen and Angela Cacchio are running for council, and Natalee Costello is running for auditor

The Times

The Bensalem Democratic Organization has announced its endorsed candidates for council and auditor. BDO chairperson Leann Hart said Bryan Allen and Angela Cacchio are running for council, and Natalee Costello is running for auditor.

Allen, who served two terms on council and ran for mayor in 2017, is seeking election for another term on council.

“I ran for mayor because I wanted to do more for the community I love — the community where I’m raising my children,” he said. “I have a record of fighting against the influence of big developers and the special interests in Bensalem. I am running for council now to ensure that we have a township government that puts the people first and looks out for the best interests of the whole community, not just the well-connected.”

Cacchio, a teacher in Bensalem Township School District and lifelong resident of Bensalem, echoed many of the same sentiments.

“I grew up here, and I’m choosing to raise my family here. More often I’m hearing from families in our community that are afraid Bensalem is losing its identity,” Cacchio said. “After 30 years of the same people running this township, it’s time to elect new leaders that are committed to making Bensalem even more family friendly — more like the Bensalem that I grew up in.”

Costello, who works in finance, wants to bring a fresh set of eyes to Bensalem’s financials this year.

“With the deficit climbing in Bensalem, we need to figure out how to right this ship, and that includes looking at every penny we spend and finding efficiencies,” Costello said.

The three have finished circulating their nomination petitions and will be filing them with the county by March 12.

