Challah bake

Samantha Bambino
Bensalem Times
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2018

300+ women and girls from throughout Bucks County gathered at Bensalem High School for the annual challah bake

The Times

On Wednesday, Oct. 24, more than 300 women and girls from throughout Bucks County gathered at Bensalem High School for the annual challah bake.

The elation and excitement in the air of these women from all different backgrounds and of all different levels of observance was palpable.

Rochel Leah Pick from Lakewood, New Jersey led the evening with an amazing combination of warmth, vibrancy, humor and passion.

The program began with a short introduction by Rabbi Moshe Travitsky pleading with everyone to keep this Shabbos as part of the worldwide Shabbos project and describing the power women have to hasten the coming of Mashiach with their Mitzvos and Emuna.

Leichters (candlesticks) were given as a gift to any woman who would start lighting candles this Shabbos and everyone was invited to spend a Shabbos in Bensalem with the Bensalem Jewish Outreach Center.

The evening was organized by the women of the Bensalem Jewish Outreach Center and community who spent countless hours to produce an inspiration for the community.

