UX Changes at Verifi

Adekoyejo Akinhanmi
Published in
2 min readMar 28, 2019

As a front-end developer, one of the unspoken items attached to my job responsibilities are considering how the user interacts with the interface. Although I’m not primarily the UX designer, I play a pivotal role in translating the static design to an interactive page and somewhere along those lines, the user experience comes into play.

Here at Verifi, the user experience is such a key aspect of the process that it’s not a one-man job. Everyone from the product developers to the front end developers contributes one way or another to the improvement of the UX. I’d like to share a few changes I and the team have made in the last few sprints to improve our UX. I think it is also worthy of note that we are in the process of redesigning the look and feel of Pay by Verifi as well as adding some new features. So there’s an intricate intertwining of design and development going on simultaneously.

Since we primarily help make salaries easier, you’d expect that we have a lot of data tables in our Pay application. We had to make some important changes in how our data tables function. So for example, when creating a new payroll, users get to see all employees at once and can now make deductions and add bonuses as the case may be, right there. Initially, this wasn’t the case, bonuses and deductions couldn’t be made on that table rather employee’s data had to be individually assessed and edited.

Another rather simple but certainly useful change in the works is reducing the number of clicks to get from one end of the application to the other (aka navigation). An example of this would be, say I’m on the dashboard and I need to create a new payroll. In the current application state, I’d have to get to the payroll view before I can find the button that leads me to create payroll. But with an improved navigation menu, I’d be able to get there in one click. That might not seem like a lot but then we know that these little things matter.

We have made and are making tons of small and big changes obviously but then we rely very much on the user feedback and can’t wait to find out how our users experience the Pay by Verifi application so we can iterate and make it even better.



Adekoyejo Akinhanmi

Christian. Nigerian. Software developer. Guitarist. More...