A Nice Story of Experience and Failure…

Berat Bozkurt
Published in
5 min readOct 3, 2020
Photo by David Klein on Unsplash

I have launched to Davetiyem.co, digital wedding invitation creation project, on January 19, 2019. I have completed my project which has been active for about 2 years, as of September 27, 2019. I have won good experience and knowledge on this road I set out to gain experience and achieve something. I wanted to share a few thing to myself and share with you what I learned, what I did wrong during this project. If you say, what is the project, How does it work? You can get information above the link but it’s Turkish.

Let’s start. But first if your age is 24 or above, please close the article without reading. Because I wanted to learn this things with yourself. Just do it!

If you are alone, you are nothing.

Okey, so nice. You have an idea and you believe that you will do it. You believe yourself and positive, it’s nice. Well who are with you? Who will you during this project with? Who are your workmates?

I was alone in the project and this is one of my biggest problem. That’s why I had to do everything. In this way I couldn’t focus and productive in the project. Let’s think you work with 2 people. You are developer, one of your friends is designer and another is marketer. I think that is enough for a good work. As long as you distribute the task and everyone should work from the heart.

Hit to market as soon as possible!

I tweeted at the time. But it’s Turkish.

You can translate it :)

Really like this. Because you can do it the project somehow. Why do you think so much? Already nothing happens as you think it and when you launch the project you will change most of the things. Plan to implement your idean as simple and run. While you are already in the live, you will remove and add something. That’s why don’t think so much and don’t spend time with programming. Just do it!

If you want, spent 5 or 6 months to programming the project. Is success guaranteed? Just launch the project and focus to keeping the user in app — be careful, I don’t say to win the user —

Give importance to marketing!

I was the one who designed the project, interested in the programming side, managed social meda and blog site. But marketing… Marketing is different world for me. I could share with my circle but it was not enough. When you focus to marketing side, I think you can reach the user and keep the user in your app with a good strategy.

Too hard without budget!

It happens to a level without budget, I cannot say to don’t happen. This level is just in first month. After a month, certain expenses must be made. Otherwise the app stays where it is and you will do just one think that how many people use and register to your app.

The issues I’ve taken out of this process are generally like this. How about you to talk about what it gain me a little bit?

The amount I earned financially from the project. I was just using adsense for blog site and recently I was getting a few click a day. Totally like this.

33.50 Turkish Lira = 4,37$

I switched the project to the paid version a few months ago. But it doesn’t work. Because anybody doesn’t register to site :) So I didn’t make money with paid version.

I would like to excite you by writing financial gain here but unfortunately that’s all :)

  • At the same time I was applying to work a few company from Turkey and abroad as I was a student. When I said to “I have a startup”, this interview was getting more attention. I called it as a startup although it’s a small project. Then we were talking about the project and in this way they could understand me better. I think this approach makes me more efficient and hardworking. Because those of this ages (20) generally busy to consume something.
  • I was trying to reach a lot of people for comment and feedback before and after launch the project. It’s really interesting because it’s truly world to be friend people with an entrepreneurial spirit. Because there are treat everything as both problem or resolve.
  • When I was go to high school, I coding front side and I don’t know how to coding to back side. I was looking a few people for back end. I was start to meet a few people but I was left halfway. Therefore I learnt Python and then flask framework. I was finally able to write a back end service. It was amazing. You can imagine that this was a very difficult process. So I found myself somewhere I never expected. And I gained a different experience.
  • I had very different trial and error that especially in technology and marketing. If you are a developer, whatever your field is I think you can focus on the field — of course if you are beginner level — . Because it is great investment for the future. By doing this, I can better determine my next step. Because I’ve experienced all this before.
  • Like I said, I talked to a lot of people and heard their opinions. It means I reached new minds and that improve me. I learnt to design and programming, I think it’s very well:) I learnt how difficult the marketing process and which channels to use active. The essence of the word, I learnt very well :)
  • Have we failed? Did not it work? Does it matter? We’ll try again. Our biggest gain from this is: We learned a good lesson and continue on our way to hit the target from 12.
You can translate it :)

Last thing I mean before I finish the article. Think, implement, improve, be happy! Nothing happens as you imagine. Nothing is that easy!

You can reach me on Twitter, Instagram, mail address. You can also go to my site.

