My Projects

Berat Bozkurt
Published in
1 min readApr 14, 2020

Some projects that I have created so far.

Digital Wedding Invitation ( Couple can easily create digital wedding invitation with this project. You can share the invitation created with loved ones in a few minutes. So, this situation which lasts for days can be fixed in a few minutes. I worked full-stack developer for this project. I work alone in many areas like server, marketing.

react-practical: I developed this project after learning React. If I talk briefly about the project. Users can write how they did work… Some kind of CV.

movies API: I fetched ready data for this project for the first time. A project that brings the film you searched to screen.

cool-clock: A simple clock app. I used javascript in this project.

flask-login-register-form: A project that users can sign up and log in. I wrote the project with python. A lot of people have can reach the project because it is first place in google.

