When Dusk Unfolds

Todd Nigro
Bereavement and Mourning
2 min readMar 13, 2024

As dusk unfurls, secrets are whispered in the tongue of twilight,
awakening a lone firefly —
a rebel spark against night’s encroaching silence.
Adrift in evening’s tender embrace, this beacon
weaves tales from the loom of dreams.
Beneath the vigilant gaze of the moon, you emerge,
a whisper, indomitable, piercing the quiet of advancing shadows,
a spirit of subtle defiance against the night’s shroud.

Enveloped in the cosmos’ hushed symphony,
with narratives ensconced in night’s velvet touch, you flourish.
Casting light upon steadfast souls,
your laughter sings like the melody of rain greeting the dawn.
Eyes that hold the chaos of storms,
adorned with the whispers of sunken ships,
chart a course through life’s tumult and tranquility,
each challenge tasted as the sea’s bitter kiss upon your lips.
Every healed wound, a narrative,
now shimmering like the path of a firefly’s light.

With the seasons’ progression, your song deepens —
a rich weave of sorrow, joy, and steadfast bravery.
Amid desolation, your essence thrives,
singing among thorns that dare to confront the void.
As night claims its domain, you blend seamlessly,
melding with the first light of dawn.

Your departure, stitched into the fabric of forever,
marks not an end but a transformation.
Persisting beyond the tempest’s farewell, your love
melds with the earth’s eternal whisper.
Caressed by the sun, your spirit resonates,
a gleam nestled within the cradle of memories.

This journey — of awakening, of brilliance, of nuanced fade —
mirrors the odyssey we all tread.
Each resonance,
a cherished chord in the universe’s grand symphony.
From stardust, we rise,
voices vibrant,
rejoining the cosmos,
our legends carried by the wind.

In the shadow of absence,
we hold those who’ve ventured beyond close —
souls finding serenity at existence’s edge.
Their legacy endures,
a beacon that transcends the silence of the void.

With voices uplifted beneath the sun’s vigilant watch,
we craft with untamed passion,
relishing the myriad spectra of being.
In harmony with the celestial melody,
we recognize that in the silence of farewells,
we participate in creation’s endless dance.

Each dawn ushers in a new beginning,
a moment of twilight eager for our tales’ luminous trails.
We pledge to bask in the glow,
to live with a zeal uniquely ours,
attuned to the melodies that steer our journey.
In the twilight of goodbyes,
we glimpse the onset of new beginnings,
pulsating with the unending rhythm of the universe.

Every day beckons,
a canvas yearning for the indelible traces of our spirit,
the firefly’s flicker a recurring echo as dusk,
once more, unfolds.



Todd Nigro
Bereavement and Mourning

Father, husband, mechanical engineer, former F-15 pilot, and founder of Ellie’s Way, a nonprofit that provides comfort to the grieving. www.ElliesWay.org