BergkampBits: Wembley, Wembley!

Anders Marshall
Bergkamp Spin
Published in
1 min readMay 14, 2015

After Monday’s defeat to Swansea, the cold, hard truth hit Arsenal fans in the face like fresh cod.

Arsenal are not going to win the league this year. Arsenal are not going to win the Champions League this year. This much has been obvious for quite a while. Still, second place was for the taking on Monday; sadly it wasn’t meant to be.

There’s still a good chance we can clinch 3rd, and avoid the late summer CL qualification round. I’d very much like not to watch us struggle with one of those insane Turkish outfits again.

Still, the CL is months away, and hardly a worry. I’m much more excited about our second consecutive FA Cup final, and the celebration it merits.

I am @BergkampSpin

