Main features of BergmannOS

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4 min readDec 22, 2017

Based on the results of the research into the needs of people engaged in mining, we have developed Bergmann hardware-software complex, representing a set of mutually integrated applications, divided into two functional parts:

1. Client operating system with a set of programs for data collection, management of equipment and communication with the second part of the system;

2. The management server that provides the logic and interface for remote interaction with the applications installed on the clients’ rigs.

Operating System for Mining Rigs

It is a system that provides flexibility, stability, and minimizes unnecessary functionality implemented on the basis of Linux. The interface has been reduced to an absolute minimum: the user only has access to a rig registration feature, the rest of the work is conducted through a web interface provided by the management server, located at the company’s facilities.

The special software available in the operating system includes hardware monitoring module, miner-software interaction modules, central server interaction module and several additional modules.

Rig Remote Control System

This system consists of a complex server application with the main task of receiving data from the rigs registered in the system, collecting it, presenting it on demand through a web-based interface, and sending commands and data necessary to control the process of mining to the individual rigs.

User interaction with the system takes place via a web interface that provides access to the personal account containing rig controls, their condition information, the data from the mining pools, exchanges, internal system recommendations and other elements that make up the operation panel, to meet every customer’s needs.

In addition to client’s account information, the interface contains tools for the staff supporting the workflow. User Communication with employees is organized through the electronic ticket system.

Bergmann Parameter Optimization Module

Through methods of machine learning and algorithms of intelligent data analysis Bergmann will choose the most appropriate configuration parameters to improve performance of connected devices. By analyzing the performance data, the system will increase the efficiency of other modules.

Application of product

BergmannOS was designed to improve the monitoring and control of devices used for cryptocurrency mining. Automated system offers users a number of advantages over the existing solutions in the market:

24/7 Stable Control over the Farm

After installing the operating system on the units, the user launches remote monitoring of his/her devices, and controls the operation of the system. If any malfunction occurs, the system automatically attempts to fix the problem and resume the normal operation of the rigs. The user can adjust the number of automatic attempts to resolve the issues using the preferences menu. For the user’s convenience it is recommendable to install the mobile application through which Bergmann immediately notifies the user about any errors that occurred across all 13 available channels: by e-mail, in the web interface, via push-notification in the browser, and on your smartphone.

Automatic and Manual Modes for Rig Parameters Setup

Users can optionally disable parameter selection automation and manually adjust the performance of each GPU. However, in this case BergmannOS cannot ensure stable cryptocurrency production and stable operation of the rigs, because the initial settings of the system are the most optimal and the safest.

Smart Mining

Automatic production of the most profitable currencies will be implemented in BergmannOS through Zephyr global update. The system will analyze the data for every particular currency, and will select the most relevant one, in view of its current mining complexity.

GPU Autotuning

The system automatically sets the most secure and optimal parameters of video cards, which allows to increase the farm’s hash rate by 3–5%. At the same time, the user may use the manual settings and reduce the amount of energy consumed by the graphics cards (up to 5%).

Instant Mobile Failure Notifications

The user can enable notifications on several channels: by e-mail, through the web interface, push-notifications to the smartphone or tablet — through a native mobile application.

Reports on the State of the Farm, Individual Rigs and even the Devices

Once a month, the user will receive reports on the operation of the entire farm and individual rigs within it, which will allow him/her to monitor and analyze the performance of video cards and plan further operation strategy.

Cryptocurrency Market Quotations

Inside BergmannOS, the user can access the information from various cryptoexchanges on all cryptocurrencies. The user can connect any currencies, even if they were not pre-installed in the system. Also, a news aggregator from the cryptosphere is available to users. Everyone can independently set up the most relevant news sections to suit their needs.

Intuitive and User-Friendly Interface

The interface of the mobile and browser versions is designed with a focus on the users’ convenience. It is simplified in accordance with the concept of minimizing the number of actions and offers visualization of the operation of rigs and video cards.




BergmannOS — new Linux-based OS for mining.