Student Data Analysis Projects with R (Jan 2022 Update)

Berk Orbay


As some of you might know, I am teaching courses at the undergrad and grad level in these past several years. Most of my courses are data analysis courses (mostly exploratory analysis plus basic machine learning methods) and main programming language is R. You can see all my courses from this page.

I love R because it is really possible to teach someone analytics and coding skills in a short period of time with proper R packages. In this post, I present you the proof :)

To be honest, my teaching skills are subpar at best. On the other hand, I am really proud of my written material and documentation. Mainly because of my thought that “if they cannot learn from my teaching, they can learn from my notes and references”.

In addition, most of my courses have the requirement to make a group project. In group projects they have to choose a data set (it must be open), analyze it and publish their findings and code publicly through Github Pages in a reproducible way. Main medium is RMarkdown.

I encourage (perhaps occasionally force at the expense of being their dread) them to present in an appealing and orderly way. It should not be an ordinary class project but it should be a showcase (portfolio) that can be presented to outer world.

Here we all collect the fruits of such hard work. Below you can find group projects from all my classes. There are many interesting projects about various topics. Lately, I had them focused on data sets related to Turkey. One criticism though: As projects get better, group names get worse (puns with R are the worst) 🤦‍♀️

Almost all projects include data and code. You can reproduce the analyses or take the data and make your own analyses. Freely. Enjoy!

Group Progress Journals

Progress Journal is a fancy way of an assignment Github Page. Just click on the group names to access to group projects.

MEF BDA 503 — Fall 2021

This year some groups made blog posts as well.

  • R U Mine: Tourism Stastistics from EVDS (Electronic Data Distribution System) of CBRT (Central Bank of Repbulic of Turkey). (blog post)
  • RNinjas: Turkey’s place in Stackoverflow Survey.
  • Division Bell: Natural Gas Market in Turkey using data from EPIAS Transparency Platform. (blog post)
  • The Wall: Foreign Trade Statistics — Vehicle and Trailer Tracking (2012–2021)

MEF BDA 503 — Fall 2020

  • madagaskaR: Analysis of Technical Support from a Vehicle Company Service
  • Rsızlar: Foreign Trade in Turkey using City Based Export/Import data (Turkey, 2013–2020)
  • A-K-A-R: Traffic Announcements of İstanbul (2018–2020)
  • rhapsody: Unemployment & Employment Rates in Turkey (2014–2020)
  • Champions: Mutual and pension fund data in Turkey between 09 November 2015 and 16 November 2020 from Turkey Electronic Fund Transfer System
  • Bak-R-ız: Analysis of Ispark Live Data

MEF BDA 503 - Fall 2019

  • Kar’R’sızlar - Analysis of Energy Planning, Production & Consumption in Turkey
  • Müjde ‘R’ - A Detailed Study About Turkish Super League (from 93–94 to 18–19)
  • Polat Alemd-R - Understanding Turkey Higher Education System
  • ‘R’ mut - Analysis of Central Bank of Turkey interest rates
  • Road RunneR - Turkey House Sales Data Analysis
  • ShineRs - Making Sense of Femicide in Social & Economic Context
  • Spo’R’ify - Mood Analysis on Emotional Attributes of Spotify Playlists

MEF BDA 503 — Fall 2018

  • Data R Sizlari - Food Prices for Turkey
  • Data Jugglers - Analysis of Equities in BIST30 Index (XU030 Index)
  • First -Analysis of outage and maintenance messages of energy plants in Turkey
  • Group Four - Explanatory Data Analysis of Trade Statistics of Turkey
  • R_Boys - Analysis of Migration Impact on City Populations of Turkey
  • R_Coders - R Analysis for Import Export
  • VoltRan - Sales Analysis of an FMCG Company

MEF BDA 503 — Fall 2017

  • 2yaka - Explanatory Data Analysis on HR Data
  • cleveR - How People Order Online? Analysis of 3 million Instacart orders.
  • dataMunglers - Analysis of Big-Mart Dataset
  • datING - Analysis of Global Terrorism Database
  • Error - Analysis of The United States Census Bureau’s International Dataset
  • Explorers - Retail Data Analytics
  • NYC - TED Talks Review
  • R_Junkies - Analysis of Past Airplane Crashes, from 1908 to 2017

MEF BUS 432 — Spring 2019

Akademik Bilişim 2018 (in Turkish, w/ Mustafa Baydogan)

Akademik Bilişim 2017 (in Turkish, w/ Mustafa Baydogan)



Berk Orbay

Current main interests are #OR and #RL. You may reach me at Linkedin.