Alumni Spotlight — Liz Rockett

Berkeley is Social Impact
2 min readOct 13, 2012
Liz Rockett

Name: Liz Rockett, MBA, MPH ‘10
Role: Director, Health Practice
Organization: Imprint Capital Advisors

Imprint Capital Advisors builds and manages mission-driven investment portfolios for institutional investors, helping clients successfully develop, execute, and maintain investment strategies that leverage capital for social impact. Their steady growth across sectors and asset classes is fueled, in part, by Liz Rocket’s leadership of the Health Practice. Impact investing in healthcare is more than a ‘good thing to do’ — the impact lens of better health at lower costs is increasingly a smart investment thesis for healthcare investors.

On how I got to where I am today:

Before Haas, I was a product manager for hospitals and clinical IT. I expected to do something similar after graduation — working with a startup or within strategy of a larger company to launch new products. But Haas introduced me to so many people, so many new ideas, I’ve found myself drawn to helping others do what they love. To me, a big part of investing is just that — support people who are doing what they love, help them achieve greater impact and returns than they could alone. Now I work with clients to identify and pursue investment opportunities that improve health, improve the quality of care and reduce care costs. Fortunately for the MBA-wired portion of my brain, the overlap between the for-profit industry and the social sector in healthcare is richer today than at any time in the recent past.

My involvement with the Center for Nonprofit & Public Leadership:

I was in Social Sector Solutions, and had the good fortune to be a Board Fellow at the YMCA of the East Bay. The luminaries who came in through the Schwab Charitable Philanthropy Speaker Series — leadership of Whole Foods, the X Prize, leading foundations — were some of the most thought-provoking events I attended at Haas. What’s most amazing to me about the work of the Center is that my experience is typical. Life at Haas involves thinking about social impact. It’s in the water, and that’s a tremendous asset for the school.

Advice for current Haas students:

By virtue of the innovations you’re likely to pursue, you may encounter dismissive or skeptical people. Take that challenge head-on, Haasies. Advocate for your point of view and do amazing work. If the skeptics turn out to be right, you’ll gain knowledge needed to get back in the lab and cook up the next thing. Change the world. It’s a hot mess, and it needs changing.



Berkeley is Social Impact

The Center for Social Sector Leadership inspires the next generation of leaders to achieve social impact across sectors.