Ben Mangan to Lead the Center for Nonprofit and Public Leadership

Berkeley is Social Impact
3 min readAug 21, 2014
Ben Mangan

By Nora Silver, Faculty Director

“We commit to take action.”
That’s the title on the certificate Ben Mangan is holding as he stands beside Bill Clinton at the Clinton Global Initiative in 2013 (pictured below).

Ben brings that promise of action to his new role as the 2nd executive director of the Center for Nonprofit and Public Leadership at the Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley. He was chosen from among an exceptionally strong candidate pool. Exciting ideas Ben brings to the Center include:

  • democratizing social entrepreneurship by providing access to Center resources for budding, but still unknown, social entrepreneurs around the globe
  • becoming a regular destination for top talent — inviting visiting fellows from industry to teach and learn with students
  • applying lean launch principles to social start-ups
  • offering groundbreaking social impact convenings and executive education
Ben Mangan with Bill Clinton at CGI America 2013
Ben Mangan with Bill Clinton at CGI America 2013
Ben and Nora
Ben Mangan and Nora Silver

We expect that Ben will have great additions to our already strong set of programs that are rooted in the Berkeley-Haas DNA of social impact and committed to delivering the experiences that future social leaders need.

Ben knows social impact:

  • Ben is a writer for the Huffington Post and SFGate and a Top Influencer on LinkedIn.
  • Ben is the former President, CEO, and Co-Founder of EARN, which has helped tens of thousands of low income people enter the financial mainstream and move toward prosperity with savings accounts for the unbanked, and matched accounts for low wage workers to invest in education, first homes, and microenterprises. He knows how to start and lead a nonprofit social enterprise.
  • Ben is the former Director of Organizational Strategy for the international micro-payments company, He knows about strategy and start-up.
Ben Mangan at Berkeley-Haas
Ben Mangan at Berkeley-Haas
  • Ben was the Midwest Practice Leader for Ernst & Young’s Public-Private Development Group in Chicago. He knows about numbers and has worked across sectors, a key focus of research and academics for the Center.
  • Ben has experience in college admissions at Vassar College and in development at the University of Chicago. He knows higher education.
  • Ben is known to the students at Berkeley-Haas. He’s taught the undergraduate course called Leading Nonprofit and Social Ventures since 2011, for which he’s received rave reviews. Ben knows how to teach and mentor students. In fact, that’s the part of this job that interested him first.
  • Ben received his BA from Vassar College and a Masters in Public Policy from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government.

Expect great things from Ben, and let him know what you think at



Berkeley is Social Impact

The Center for Social Sector Leadership inspires the next generation of leaders to achieve social impact across sectors.