Berkeley StEP Week 3 Update!

Ashley Wu
Berkeley StEP
Published in
2 min readNov 7, 2019

What happened during Week 3?

This week we had the privilege of having Rich Lyons, former Dean of Haas and UC Berkeley’s first Cheif of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Officer, come to speak to our StEP teams about the entrepreneurship funnel and introduced the Berkeley Change Maker Curriculum. He mentioned that StEP is “right at the top of the funnel” and stressed the importance of bringing more entrepreneurs to this area so that everybody can have access to the funnel.

Rich Lyons Speaking to StEP Teams

Following Rich Lyons, Anand Kulkarni, CEO of Crowdbotics, spoke to our teams as well. Crowdbotics was created to be the fastest way to build business-ready apps, features, integrations and more. If you’re interested in Crowdbotics, you can check them out on their website, Anand is listed as one of Forbes Top 30 Entrepreneurs and was able to bring a great amount of valuable insight and advice to our teams.

Anand Kulkarni Presenting Crowdbotics

Recap from Anand Kulkarni’s presentation “Fastest Way to Build and Launch a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)”

  • Most application builds use the same basic parts: Backend, Frontend, Databases, Developer operations (AWS/Heroku/GC, Analytics), Tracking, Integrations with 3P APIs, and a “Unique angle that makes an application interesting” — most of the time, people use frameworks that can be reused.
  • The biggest enemy for building an MVP is time, and entrepreneurs should figure out what the absolute smallest thing you can build is and how to do it as quickly as possible.
  • Test MVP with customers early on and find ways to scale up the product as often as possible
  • Think of MVPs in a 3-week cycle

Curious about what our startups are building? Last week we talked about the specific industries, and now we have updates on each company’s goals!

If you would like to gain more information on each team, you can…

  1. Visit our website where all the Fall 2019 StEP teams are listed!
  2. Read our Medium posts where two teams will be highlighted and interviewed each week

Throughout the next 6 weeks, we will be following each team and getting to know them and their ideas better. Stay tuned to learn more with us through…

Medium Publications

Facebook and Instagram pages

The StEP Website

Again, thank you so much for supporting Berkeley StEP and the entrepreneur ecosystem — stay tuned for updates in the coming weeks!

