How to Make the Most of Your Virtual Internship

Eva Mollett
Published in
3 min readMay 19, 2020

COVID-19 has made all of our summers look different than what we imagined and many of you are now wondering “what the heck will my virtual internship be like??” Although lounging on your couch while completing your internship online may not be what you had in mind, you are test-driving what could become a “new normal” going forward, so make sure you take steps to maximize this remote internship experience.

Create a professional workspace

First, make sure your space works for you. You’ve gotten used to taking courses online this semester, but take the time to ensure you have a good work setup for the summer. A desk if possible, with an ergonomic workspace. If you don’t already have the tools needed to make this happen, ask the company you’re interning with — many of them are set up for and expecting to provide you with the things you’ll need to make your space WORK for work, so don’t be shy about asking for what you need. Sure, working from the couch sounds great, but every now and then it helps to sit at a desk equipped with a laptop riser ;)

Don’t forget about your surroundings during virtual meetings. Make sure you have some quiet space — roommates, pets, family members, etc., are an inevitability these days, but if your roommate is on the couch playing video games, for example, take the meeting from another room or make sure they have headphones in. If you aren’t comfortable showcasing your surroundings, there are a plethora of virtual backgrounds available these days.

Keep a (loose) schedule

In addition to creating a professional workspace, make sure to manage your time effectively. Without the structure of an office environment, it can be tempting to give in to distractions around you (the kitchen is so close, and those snacks are just calling your name…), but it is important to set designated “work time” to keep your schedule feeling as normal as possible — and to ensure you have personal time, too. Working remotely can be draining, so don’t forget to build breaks into your day for your mental health. On the other hand, don’t be afraid to speak up if the tasks at your internship aren’t keeping you as busy as you’d like. It never hurts to ask for additional projects, and your manager won’t have visibility into how you’re managing your time!

Don’t forget to communicate and ask for feedback!

One of the most impactful aspects of an internship, aside from experience gained, is networking and meeting the teams around you. With a remote internship, this might not happen as naturally, so you may need to be more proactive than under normal circumstances. Working with a cross-functional team, but not sure how they’re structured? Don’t be afraid to ask for a brief 1:1 meeting with a member of the team to get clarity. Ask questions in virtual meetings and make your voice heard. During those meetings, keep your camera on when you can so you have built in “face time”. Make sure you have scheduled check-ins with your manager and/or mentor, and ask for regular feedback. Does your company have virtual intern meet-ups, round tables, or events scheduled? Great! Make sure you attend those, too, and get to know your internship cohort. The people you meet in an internship and the network you build can have a lasting impact on your career trajectory.

Finally, give yourself some grace. Although you’ve had to redefine your anticipated experience and reset your expectations, rest assured that you’ll still have a valuable learning experience this summer and employers will recognize your strength, resilience, and creativity next year when it comes to full-time hiring!

