How to use Framer for Low fidelity Prototyping ?

Anil Kumar
Lean Prototyping
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2017
1902 Wright Brothers’ Glider Tests

Create Low fedility prototype in less than 5minutes using Framerjs, Codepen(live reload) and imgbb(get sceens pulic URL) on the Browser.

Step 1

Sketch your product ideas using paper & pen. You can download iphone template here Free Iphone template A4 pdf

I have used my user research project Healthy companion app idea to prototype.

my paper sketch

Step 2

Take pictures of the screens from your camera app and crop it.

Step 3

Upload the pictures from step2 to

Step 4

Get publicly accessible URL. Get shareable image link as shown below.

Step 5

Open, prepare for Framer project.

Link to Framer boilerplate
click on “edit on CODEPEN” near top right of the page to start working on it Framer prototype.


configure it manually

Select Coffeescript on Javascript Preprocessor on Javascript tab of codepen.

Add following 3 external JS libraries in a same order.

Step 6

Setup device type. Paste following code on the code pen coffeescript block of codepen prepared in step5.

Step 7

Get device screen width & height. It’s used for further reference in the layers later.

Step 8

Create layers for the paper sketches you created in step2. Use URL you get it from Step4. Create layers for each of your screens as shown below. I had 2 screens, so 2 layers.

Step 9

Create transparent layers for the hotspots, place to attach event listeners. Example: ‘click/tap’ event.

Step 10

With the power of flow component we can achieve transition between screens.Fore more details refer Framer docs.

Create flow component.

Step 11

Attach click/tap event to the hotspots created in the step9.

Step 12

Sample code demo. As a next step, test your prototype with your target audience.

Just using good Framer docs, and you can create low fedility prototypes.


  1. Flow component
  2. Device
  3. Hello world example on Codepen

Follow us on Twitter @Berlinlean & Anil Kumar to get more information on Lean Prototyping.



Anil Kumar
Lean Prototyping

Technical Product Marketing, Developer Experience, Usability & Community